Chapter 6- We are One

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Gene attempted to burn the witch but she dodged and blast him into a wall. Eric. C rushed in and used lava abilities to trap her against the wall but she grabbed his wrist and threw him into Gene. She rushed at us and Paul produces a star shield.

"Ok. Ankh try to use your light powers and Catman, try to go behind her and claw her while Rachael and I attack from the sides." Paul instructed. Tommy, Gene and Eric C. looked around to see what they could do then Gene spoke up.

"The witch is mainly targeting Rachael so Fox protect her. Spaceman try to shock the witch in the air while I take down her minions

"Will you handle them on your own?" Eric C. asked. Gene nodded yes and they headed to were instructed to get to. Me and Paul got to the sides and he starts to strike the witch down to me. I quickly turned my fists into fire and I tried to punch her but she dodged and used red mist to trap me against the wall. Eric C. jumped in and used a lava blast to free me and I quickly used an attack to launch the witch up to where Vinnie and Tommy are.

"Shocking Arrow!" Tommy shouts as the witch gets hit and Vinnie gets his chance to strike her with his light balls but the witch uses a red barrier to deflect the attacks.

"I think we need a better plan!" Vinnie shouts out.

"Not quite!" Eric S. calls out and grew his green claws and tries to slice her but she uses red mist to push him back. "Uhh... Say that again please!" He called out. I got angry and then the witch snapped her fingers and several gargoyles formed from the ground to attack me but using my fire powers, I escaped from them and climbed up to where the witch was.

"Ok witch! I don't know much about you but leave me and my friends alone!" I ordered but she grinned and sends out several blasts at me and I fired my own blasts at her and the attacks exploded in mid-air.

"This is child's play! The destroyer will be restored to steal your powers yet again!" She warned and sends mist at me but I jumped up and I saw my new necklace and I grabbed it.

"I need to transform! How do I do it?" I called out to Gene.

"Say Kiss Costume Change Activate!" He answered so I held onto my necklace and called out

"Kiss Costume Change Activate!" My body turned orange and once the bright light cleared away, I looked completely different.

My hair is now black with a slight tint of orange like the other members and I had a white face with black and sliver flames around my eyes and my lips were gray. Instead of the outfit I once wore, it turned into a black bodysuit and a sliver jacket over it and the sleeves at the end looked like fire. I had sliver flame boots and armbands and a black collar and a black belt with a sliver flame on it. My pants on the side had a long stripe of sliver and a bit of orange. Everyone looked surprised to see me like this but not the witch.

"So you do remember things from your past!" She was about to strike me until I saw six different lights in the distance. They launched straight at where we were and they stood on top of one of the buildings. "Oh you cannot be serious! I can't believe that you have returned." She announces angrily. I looked to see who they were and they were six girls in flashing, sparkling outfits, more colorful than Kiss's outfits who looked around my age.

"Get away from our buddies immediately!" A girl in purple demanded. She then snapped her fingers and one girl in lavender and silver pulled out a bow and arrow and starts shooting arrows at her. At first the witch dodged until one in magenta and black jumped up and they engaged in a fist fight until the girl kicked her back and two girls in yellow and pink shot a heart beam and a yellow laser at her and they hit. Then the girl in purple jumped up and sends musical notes from the sky at her, hitting her, before a girl in blue finishes the job by sending a tornado at her causing her to get dizzy. Once the tornado disappears, the witch quickly teleports away.

"Kiss! What happened?" The girl in pink asked. I walked up to these new fighters and they looked at me surprised

"It's a long story"

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