Pregnant Riko X upcoming Dad reader

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Requested by @Kuroki_Rin08

----------------------------------------------    Flashback------------------------------------------------------------

-sighs- "I  will admit you play the piano beautifully your playing almost made me cry" -Giggle-

"Thank you and i will admit you play the guitar beautifully too

"Thank you but now you're making it sound like a cheesy romance movie" 

-Laughs- "Well excuse me Mr. "I almost cried"

"Hey, it's true  you know!" -Laughs-


today's the day huh? I'm so damn nervous that i can't even feel my legs, that first day we met i, of course, didn't know she would be my future wife and the mother of my child.  -Laughs- I have her friends to thank for me confessing to her.


"Go", we were currently in a classroom 8 of Riko's friends are trying to convince me to confess to her which of course is a no




"GO ALREADY!" Mari would yell


"Nope, not until you can admit your feelings to Riko i can keep you here all day you know"

-sighs- ..."No


After some time i finally go into the music room where she just stopped playing piano, "Oh what are you doing he- hm what's wrong?" she then gets up and walks up to me she smells like beautiful flowers.  she then pulls a napkin out of her pocket and wipes the sweat off my forehead. "What happened you look like an absolute mess and your shaking!" she would then grab both my hands and walks me to the couch,

My heart is going to explode and i can't even talk i gotta ge- no i need to do this i atleast need to know what the answer would have been no...regrets.

I give her an envelope and she looks at me confused and takes it, she would then slowly open it and would read it.....

-Giggle- i look up  and see she's blushing "M-may i ask how long have you liked me?"

"5 mo- she would then kiss me

-Giggle-  "It was a trick question it doesn't matter because i like you too"


"Your child has been bored it's a girl!"

"Thank you!"

I am going to love that little girl as much as i love Riko I'm gonna be the best dad in the world 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it i am sorry that it's so short 

(Finished )Love live x Male! reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now