The Alola Champion

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Fifteen years have passed since the day Ash Ketchum Was betrayed by his former friends and they are having the time of their life. Max participated in several leagues and has yet to beat one him and the rest of the traitors along with Gary and Paul are headed to the Alola region. Gary went cause the Champion asked to see him personally to speak. Paul and the Traitors went to participate in the recently announced tournament.

"Gary you haven't battled in over 10 years why are you going?" the orange haired gym leader asked. Gary hasn't told anyone other than Paul about what he was doing cause they both suspected it has to do with Ash.

"The champion asked to meet with me. He said he can help my research." Gary told her he still wasn't sure why he hasn't told them.

"Probably just another boonie that thinks he's strong like Ketchum." Trip snorted

"You call other people "boonies" and claim your stronger than them when you haven't gotten past the preliminary rounds in half the leagues you enter. Not only that but you still have the guts to call Ash weak when he's made it farther then you ever will." Paul said insulting the Unova native and defending Ash in one go.

"He only got lucky next time I see him I'll beat him down til there's nothing left. Maybe take a few of his Pokemon like his Greninja." Trip said still thinking Ash is weak.

"Pathetic." Paul said walking ahead to the Pokemon center to register while Gary went with him to ask for directions.

"Hello welcome to the Pokemon center. Are you here to register for the tournament?" Nurse Joy asked Paul nodded and handled her his Pokedex.

"I'm Gary Oak the champion asked to see me. Can you tell me where he lives?" He asked

"No but his son is over there he could help you." She said pointing to an 11-year-old boy having a battle outside using an Alolan Sandslash while his opponent used Hophip. But what caught them off guard were his cloth.

"No way." Gary mumbled going over to meet the kid as the traitors walked in.

"Alola prepare to meet your new champion!" Max yelled as he ran to talk to nurse Joy. Paul decided he didn't want a headache walked towards the champion's kid.

"Hey kid." Paul said interrupting his talk with Gary.

"Yeah?" He asked along with the strange Pokemon on his shoulder.

"I saw your battle and your Sandslash is pretty strong. What do you say to a little battle?"

"Sure." The boy accepted

'This will prove if he's Ash's kid or not. And what's that strange Pokemon on his shoulder?' Paul thought to himself pulling out his Pokedex.

"Data not found." The pokedex said

"Useless piece of junk." He groaned grabbing a Pokeball. "Honchkrow standby for battle!" He said releasing his big boss Pokemon.

"Alright Michu your up." The boy said as the Pokemon jumped of his shoulder, but it didn't touch the ground it was levitating.

"I'll referee this match, but can I have your name?" Gary asked him

"My name is Akira Ketchum." He said both trainers looked wide eyed at him.

"Ketchum? So, you must be that losers' kid?" A voice said they turned around to see Max, May, and Misty smirking.

"Max shut up. We don't have time to listen to how you can beat Ash." Gary sneered then turned back to the battle.

"Trainers ready?" Paul and Akira nodded. "Battle begin!"

"Michu start things off with Miracle eye then follow up with Confusion!" Akira yelled as his New Mouse Pokemon's eyes glowed pink as Honchkrow became vulnerable to psychic type attacks.

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