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Yixing, Tao, and Jongin paced around the motel room.

Ji Ah sat on the bed, silently watching the three of them stress.

She decided it was probably for the best that she was staying with them and not Luhan, Baekhyun, and Jongdae. They seemed more rambunctious and wild than the trio she was staying with. 

"Ji Ah... can you come with us?" Jongin asked, causing the other two to gape. They needed a solution, but taking her with them to work with other gangs definitely wasn't one.

Ji Ah bolted off of the bed. "What?"

"We won't have someone to stay with you if you stayed here. Also--unfortunately--we need you. You're the only one with the smarts and expertise to keep us safe out there."


"In exchange for your help, we'll keep you safe, too. This shouldn't be super dangerous. Japanese gangs aren't as violent or as... unpredictable as Korean gangs. If this were China, it would be a different story."

She let out a sigh. "You're not really asking, are you, Jongin?"

He looked at the ground, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry."

"If I'm coming, I need to know what we're doing and what's going on. If you leave me in the dark, I can't help."

"Fair enough," Tao interrupted, pulling out his phone. "Luhan has been keeping tabs on a gang in southern Tokyo, and has been discussing working for them for about two years. Basically, we're meeting up with them, with Luhan as our 'leader'. They'll direct us what to do, and once we've completed some tasks for them, we get a sum of money. We'll all be using aliases to keep our identities secret. Secrecy is key. If it's revealed that we're EXO our reputation and certain alliances will be lost."

"What if they trick us?" Ji Ah asked, looking up at Tao, who met her gaze.

"That's just a chance we have to take. Luhan has kept their trust for a while, so hopefully we'll be able to work as friends."

"So who am I? In this alias... sort of thing." Ji Ah questioned, hoping their answers would be far off from what she was imagining.

"Just another member. One of us will be with you at all times, so if anything happens, we can help you. Your name is Min Jee."

Oh, thank goodness.

"When do we meet with them?" She asked, twiddling her fingers.

"As soon as possible." Tao answered. "Everyone should get dressed, I suggest all black. I just got a text from Kris. We leave in half an hour."

The boys nodded and got to work, separating immediately. Jongin ran off to the bathroom, while Tao left the room. Yixing dug through his suitcase, tossing clothes on the ground.

Ji Ah rummaged through her own suitcase, finding a pair of ripped, black jeans and a large sweatshirt with the words "born in hell" scrawled across it.

It wasn't anywhere near her style, but she didn't really have the right to complain. 

Yixing threw something at her, and Ji Ah caught it without hesitation. It was a first aid kit.

"You should take that with you," he said, taking off his jacket and shirt. He slipped into a black shirt, layering it with a black jacket brandishing a US band. He then put on a silver necklace that hung near his chest. Ji Ah only noticed the small razor that was carefully hidden in an earring when the light reflected off of it.

"Will we need it?" She questioned, her gaze focused on the hidden weapon.

"I'm not going to try to sugarcoat it, so yes. Most likely."

Scalpel [EXO Gang AU] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now