"H-Hello Pets."  Corruption purred.  He stopped at the side of the bed.  I cowered up against Emile, absolutely terrified. 

"D-Don't w-worry,"  Corruption said, patting Virgil's cheek.  "I'm n-not here t-t-to hurt y-you." 

"What do you want then?"  Emile asked. 

"F-Follow me."  He answered, heading back to the door.  I looked up at Emile in confusion.  He shrugged before looking over to Virgil. 

Virgil got off the bed and held his hands out to us.  Emile grabbed one hand and I grabbed the other. 

We followed after Corruption.  I held onto Virgil tightly, guessing he knew what was going on since he's been here the longest. 

Corruption walked down a hallway, before stopping at a white door.  He pushed it open, revealing a large, fancy black and white bathroom.  It looked like something Roman would have. 

Corruption pushed the three of us into the bathroom.  We looked back at him in confusion. 

"Cl-Clean up."  He told us.  "Look n-nice.  N-No more blo-blood.  Take sh-showers or b-baths, I d-don't care." 

"What, why?"  I asked, fear instantly filling me as Corruption looked at me with an evil grin. 

He marched over and grabbed my forearm roughly.  He pulled me away from the other two. 

I tried to scramble back to the others, but Corruption shocked me.  I fell to the ground as my limbs froze up.  I felt tears in my eyes as I remembered everything that happened the last time I was in Corruptions grasp.

"D-Don't question m-me."  Corruption hissed, slapping me.  Hard. 

I whimpered as pain spread across my face.  Virgil grabbed Corruptions and pulled him away from me.  Emile picked me up and held my close to his chest, helping me calm down.

Virgil and Corruptions fought for a bit.  Punching and hitting each other.  But than Corruption let out an angry screech. 

Virgil fell backwards as Corruption shocked him.  Virgil crawled over to Emile and I, standing back up to defend us again. 

"I'm h-hosting a little d-dinner party to-tonight with s-some business a-associates."  Explained Corruption angrily.  "And I n-need my P-Pets looking pre-pretty and to be-behave.  S-So get cl-cleaned up, you h-have two hours."

With that; he stepped out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.  I heard the door lock shut, causing me to whimper. 

Virgil quickly turned to me, checking me over to make sure I wasn't hurt. 

"I'm okay, I'll be fine."  I told him, gently removing his hands.  He nodded. 

"C'mon,"  Emile said, walking over to the large sink.  "He's given us something nice, let's use it and get cleaned up before he takes it back."

"Yeah, yeah."  I mumbled.  Emile soaked a washcloth and than set to rubbing all the blood off of Virgil's face. 

I took off my hoodie and pulled up my sleeve to look at the stab wound.  I pulled back the bandage, wincing at the pain. 

"Is your shoulder okay?"  Emile asked, rinsing blood off the washcloth before turning back to Virgil. 

"I don't know,"  I mumbled.  "I think it's getting infected." 

Emile quickly turned to me and looked at at my shoulder.  He nodded, confirming my fears. 

"Yeah, I believe it's infected."  Emile told me sympathetically.  "I wish we had some sort of antibiotics.  Is it okay if I clean out the wound?" 

I nodded, looking away as Emile pressed the washcloth to my wound.  I hissed as pain seared up my arm. 

Virgil grabbed my hand in comfort.  I smiled at him but pain caused tears filled my eyes.  After a while, Emile stopped. 

"There ya go."  He said, using a smaller washcloth to use as a new bandage. 

"Thanks."  I said softly.  Emile smiled and gave Virgil and I tight hug. 

"Chin up, we're gonna be okay."  He told us again. 

I nodded and pulled away from Emile to look around the bathroom.  I opened a large wardrobe to see three dresses.

  I opened a large wardrobe to see three dresses

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"Woah," I breathed. "Come look at this guys." Virgil and Emile stood next to me and looked inside the wardrobe.

"I guess Corruption wants us to wear these." Emile said, pulling at a small paper with his name on it that was pinned to a blue and pink dress.

Virgil shook his head 'no'. His eyebrows furrowed together, obviously not wanting to wear the dress.

"Nothing wrong with wearing dresses Virge," Emile said. Virgil nodded but than crossed his arms and pretended to shiver.

"Too cold or too revealing for you?" Emile asked, somehow understanding what Virgil meant.

Virgil held up two fingers. I nodded along with him. Dresses were a little too revealing when you live your life in a hoodie. Emile sighed but decided against arguing it. 

"Virgil, you can go first." Emile said, pushing Virgil towards the smaller room with the tub and shower. "Since you've been here the longest."

Virgil nodded and disappeared into the smaller room. Emile sat down on a chez lounge and sighed.

"You okay?"  I asked. 

"Yeah, it's just hard trying to constantly remain positive."  He mumbled. 

"You don't have to do that,"  I told him.  "You're allowed to be miserable and terrified."

"But that wouldn't help Virgil at all, he's so worried about keeping us two safe so he's constantly putting himself in danger to defend us."  Emile ranted.  "And you've already had to go through this and I don't want you to get triggered by this place or Corruption.  So one of us had to remain hopeful." 

"That doesn't mean it has to be you or that you constantly have to act like that."  I said, sitting down next to him.  "You're allowed to be upset.  You're a therapist, you of all people should know it's not good to repress bad feelings."

"I know, I know."  Emile mumbled, leaning his head on my uninjured shoulder.  I wrapped an arm around him.  Emile's walls broke down and he started crying. 

"I'm so scared."  He mumbled.  "I hate it here.  I miss Remy.  I don't like being away from him this long.  I'm terrified that the others won't come for us.  We aren't safe here.  Corruption could kill either of us if he wanted and than we'd forget everything." 

I cut off his rant by pulling him into a tight hug.  He grabbed onto me and cried.  I hummed 'You Are My Sunshine' softly, rocking back and forth. 

"You'll be okay."  I promised.  "We're all going to be okay."

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