So, it's Friday, the day of mine and Vic's date.
To be honest, I kind of started looking forward to it. Vic's a nice guy and who knows, maybe something could come out of this. Justin told me to be more opened to this situation and so I am.
I wasn't working today so I had the whole day to get ready. I woke up from my deep slumber and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen. The house always seemed so empty considering I was the only person living in there. Anyway, I walked into the kitchen, pulled out a bowl, cereals and milk. I mixed the cereals with milk in the bowl and went to eat my breakfast in the living room. I turned on the TV so I didn't have to listen to the scrunching of my cereals. After there was nothing left in my bowl, I sat it on the table in front of the couch and lay down. I don't know if I was that tired or just bored, but I soon drifted off back to sleep.
"Hello, Kellin." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw a silhouette of someone, most likely a man. It took me a while to come to my senses, eventually realizing that I was chained to a bed in a dark room. I couldn't really say what was around me, all I could see was the man.
"Are you going to hurt me?" I asked, getting scared. The man only laughed at me and came closer to the bed. I still couldn't see his face, but I noticed that he was holding something. It kinda looked lik-
It was a dagger or some kind of knife.
"You can bet your ass I am." He said and gashed my stomach. I let out a scream and then I woke up in my living room.
I quickly looked around me, breathing heavily. Once I realised that I wasn't chained to anything and that it was just a dream, I calmed down. I then checked the time only to see that it was 5 p.m. I stood up from the couch and made my way upstairs. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table in my room and walked into the bathroom. I pressed the 'shuffle' button and Jesus Christ by Brand New began to play. I stripped from my clothes and got in the shower, washing my hair and body. It took me an awful amount of time to get out of the shower, simply just because I love the feeling of warm water against my skin. The cold air made the goosebumps appear on my body as I quickly ran back to my room in nothing but a towel that was wrapped around my waist.
20 minutes, that's how long I've been choosing what to wear for. I eventually picked out a black t-shirt, dark blue jeans and a leather jacket. After I dressed myself up, I walked back into the bathroom, blow-drying my hair and after that scenting myself with a cologne. I checked myself in the mirror for the last time before I grabbed my phone, keys and a wallet, putting on my shoes and walking out of the front door.
I still had a lot of time left so I decided to take the longer way, therefore I should arrive to the restaurant just on time. The route leads through the bad part of the city, but I'll make it, I'm a big boy, afterall.
I was maybe like ten minutes away from the restaurant when I heard a scream. I jumped in fear and looked around me, seeing no one. All I saw was a lane on the opposite side of the road. I wasn't trying to act like a superhero or something, but that person could be hurt for all I know, and so I made my mind and crossed the road. I heard the scream again, but this time I also heard someone else's voice.
"Shut the fuck up." The voice said, whisper-yelling at the first person. That situation sent shivers down my spine. I hid behind the building and looked at the scene happening in the alley. There was indeed two of them, both males, I think. One of them was pinned to a wall by the other one. I could only see face of the guy who was pinned to the wall, but he didn't seem to notice me. He had dark blonde hair and some cuts on his hands and face. The other one was holding a knife to the blonde guy's neck. He had brown wavy hair and was a bit shorter than the blonde one.
"It didn't have to be this way." The brown haired guy said and slit the other guy's neck. I let out a gasp as I saw the blood pouring from the wound. It made me sick and I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I wish I could, though. Just as I made the tiny noise, the brown haired guy turned around and I placed a hand over my mouth in shock because standing there was no one else but Vic.
"Kellin, I-" He started, but I didn't wait around to listen to him. I spun around and began running back towards my neighbourhood. I could hear him following me and screaming my name over and over again. I looked behind me just to find out that he was only like 20 feets away from me.
"Kellin, fucking stop, I can explain." He yelled at me breathlessly. I didn't stop though, in fact, I ran even faster.
"Leave me alone." I shouted at him, silently praying that he would obey. Not that far away from me, I could see some crowds of people. This is my chance, I thought to myself. I ran as fast as my legs would let me and straight into the crowds. It looked like they were protesting against the gay rights. Well.
Anyway, I could see that Vic got through the crowd of angry people and was running away while I was still in the crowd. I sighed loudly, glad that he hasn't seen me. I kept walking with the people, ignoring their homophobic slogans and whoops until they got closer to my street. Just then I seperated myself from them, shouting something like 'If you don't support gay marriages, you're all faggots' and turned into my street. I was getting closer to my house, but something felt odd. It was like someone was following me. I sped up and just as I stood in front of my front door, I heard a voice from behind me say...
"Did you really think you got rid of me?"
And after that, everything went black.
So? What are you saying so far? Did any of you see this coming? :D

Daggers Speak Louder Than Words (Kellic)
FanfictionTo Kellin, Vic seems like a normal guy, living a normal life. That opinion, however, changes the second Kellin sees Vic killing a person.