Time with Repulsify

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Time with Repulsify the winner of 'The #1 Best Graphic' award in the 'Challenge #1 - The Prompt' of Earnesty's Graphics Competitions.
Also won the people's choice award!

 Also won the people's choice award!

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Tell us about yourself Repulsify

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Tell us about yourself Repulsify.

I'm Shani, 23, and a video game design student. I dislike people who drive a Prius and chocolate. I like pizza and milkshakes almost as much as I love crying in the gym because I insta-regret ingesting those calories.

Why did you join wattpad?

I initially joined for therapeutic reasons. I went through a bad breakup that led to me trying to drown myself and then going to therapy for 6 months straight. At the last leg of my recovery, my friend thought it'd be good for me to anonymously write my personal story as a work of fiction.

How long have you been on wattpad?

Since October 2018, so less than a year

How did you get into graphic designing?

My sister is a professional designer and I took yearbook/publications in high school. I was a designer/editor for two years and head designer during my senior year.

What type of graphics do you make?

Covers, banners, character concept art, digital Illustrations, logos, and I'm currently learning the process of making gifs.

Which software(s) do you use?

Photoshop, Krita, and MediBang. Primarily Krita for designing and MediBang for artwork. Photoshop is only there when I'm lazy and want to make quick designs.

What is/are your favorite part in graphic designing?

Knowing that the work I do for my client will make them feel more confident in their work and themselves.

What is/are your inspiration?

•Design inspiration: seventhstar  and SugarCrystal

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