Blinking the Night Fury narrowed his eyes, his own growl coming forth as instincts took over. "What are yo-"

"-Did you know?!" She roared, cutting in. The male took on a look of confusion. "What?"

"Did you know that Hiccup is the son of that leader of a tyrant who was leading the charge against the dragons that night?!" She hissed violently as a realization to her question dawned on the male's face. Sunflower had wondered if he knew who the man-human was since she landed here but hadn't said anything in favor of blocking out the memory of that thing slaughtering her kind.

She remembered the burning hatred, the blood lust, that sparked violently in that man's eyes that night some weeks ago and she had remembered the tales the Elders had told the younger dragons. Tales about the murderous behavior the humans bore. Their love for snuffing the life out of those who were only trying to survive in this unfaithful world. The look they get that screamed of their greed for bloodshed. The look that man had! She suddenly remembered why her kind hated them, why they were taught to fear the creatures... even if they were small and squishable, they were equally as dangerous as a dragon itself. Them and their weapons that were able to pierce a dragon's thick armor-like scales.

How had she forgotten all of this? How had she become so dumb to the very truth as too much danger she was in? She had befriended the hatchling of the leader of the dragon slayers! The leader she witness slaughtering every dragon he could! Maybe she was blinded by her anger and self-pity at having been grounded that she let her thoughts wander to the back of her mind, blocking any warnings as she allowed the human hatchling get close to her, touch her, mess with her feelings... she... wait... what if this was all just a trap...? What if...

"Of course I did," Toothless muttered as he stared up at the simmering female, mind locking on to the fact her grip suddenly loosened. "It's quite obvious, they smell similar. And you forget I've been around here longer than you have been, so yes, I did know."

Sunflower only stared at the Night Fury in horror. A sense of betrayal slowly flooding her senses. The look the male was giving her held no sense of shame whatsoever and it was alarming to her. Did he not know the danger they were in? The danger they've been in by befriending that thing's hatchling?

"You... You knew...?" The Sun Fury felt every thought in her head freeze for a moment, allowing Toothless the chance to widdle his way out from underneath her. He wasn't sure why she was getting so bent out of shape with this. Suddenly her face turned dark. "You knew! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I didn't think it was important," He raised a ridge.

That seemed to be the wrong choice of words for the next thing he knew she was letting out a blood-curdling scream, a fireball flaring to life in her throat and lighting up her mouth. "Not important?! You think information like that ISN'T IMPORTANT?!!" Toothless dodged the fireball as soon as she fired it, eyes widening as her wings flared and pupils thinned. "You know how I feel about humans! That man is the ring-leader of them all, he murdered dragons! I SAW HIM DO IT!!"

"Sun-" Toothless jumped once more, ears twitching as he jumped onto a rock, spinning as he evaded. Gaining a bit of air his green eyes caught a glimpse of red and by instinct, he tucked his wings in and rolled off to the side in a sharp left and just in time for a comet of fire to shoot right past him and towards the rocky cliff. Sunflower narrowed her eyes and she made a turn and positioned herself so her feet took the brunt of the impact. Sunflower let a small snarl as her head snapped over towards the male who had been watching her, his own head snapping forward as he made another roll to the side to avoid a hanging root and swiftly lands behind a rock where he continues to jump around.

Brightest Night || 1 || HTTYD [Toothless/OC] *BEING REWRITTEN!*Where stories live. Discover now