Chapter 4

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I don’t realize what has happened. I didn’t realize what happened when I woke up. I felt a hand gently shake me awake. It took me a second to realize what happened. I see a man who is about like 18 or 19. He tries to grab me and I don’t know what came over me, but I bit him. He screams in pain and runs to the bathroom. I hear him screaming and I wake up with a headache. I realized that this was my chance. I slammed my foot into the window praying that my plan would work. I open my eyes and I see a crack in the windows. Take a deep breath. I told myself. I try again. This time the window shatters and I am very thankful that I have steel-toed boots on. I never leave without them, mostly for this very reason. I’m very thankful that the glass didn’t pierce through my shoe.

    I quickly grab a piece of glass and start cutting the rope that ties me to the bed. I’m half way there when the dude comes running into the room. I stop what i’m doing to look at him. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You knew that he was going to come. I thought to myself. I expect him to come hurling at me. He stood there and stared at the window then at me and the window again. I can feel the hot stream of tears running down my face. He starts to slowly move toward me, and before I know what i’m doing I start yelling. “Don’t move! I’ll cut you I swear!”

He starts to back up. I take a deep breath. His words startle me when he says “Ok, calm down thi-” 

“Clam down? Calm down? How can I calm down?! You just kidnapped me, and i’m supposed to calm down?!” I started yelling at him. “What do you want from me? I didn’t do anything wrong.” I whisper so quietly that I doubt that he could’ve heard me. 

“I was trying to say that this was a mistake.” He told me.

“W-what? What do you mean? If this was a mistake then PLEASE let me go.” I whisper. The next thing I knew I was crying all over again. My head was hurting and I felt like I was going to puke. This was probably because I’ve been crying a lot today, but can you blame me? I’ve ran away, got hit in the head, then got kidnapped, tied to a bed so I can’t escape, got hit in the head...again, broke a window, and now i’m finally breaking down. I say that i’m super surprised that i’ve held it in this long.

“But I can’t let you go. You’ve seen me, you’ll describe me to the police and i’ll get arrested. I can’t go back to jail.” He was telling me. Keep him distracted, if he’s distracted he can’t kill you. 

“Why were you in jail?” I asked. 

He thinks about this as if he should tell me. He takes a breath.   “I went to jail because I murdered and kidnapped someone.”

I take a breath. OMG!!! He’s already kidnapped once before!!! He also said that he’s murdered someone to, what’s to say that he won’t murder me? Just keep distracting him. “Who were you looking for?” I asked. He looked at me suspiciously. “Her name was Abby. She killed my sister so I was going to kill her. She got away with murder, she was said as guilty.” He looked down glumly. “How? How did she kill her?” I asked. He looked at me and his eyes were shiny from the tears. “Abby killed her… She ran her over. Ella was only eleven.” He looks back down. “Ella was going to her friends house and Abby and her friend Julie were drunk in her car. They hit her and she died on the spot, I couldn’t even save her.” I see tears running down his face. He sniffs and I take another breath. “Who did you kill?” I asked. He doesn’t look like he wants to answer. “Were here now why not get to know each other a little more, you know since you won’t be letting me go.” I said. 

    “Ok” he whispers. Great, now i’m pressuring him. I could be the kidnapper by the way i’m acting. I tell myself. “I killed my parents.” He says. I can feel the tears running down my face. I can see the memory coming back. The crash, the screams of my parents, the worry of never having them wake up again, and the first time my uncle hit me. I shutter. The look on my face must’ve looked full of sorrow, because he starts stuttering. “ I-I-I’m s-s-sorry.” He walks out of the room. Before he steps out completely I yell “WAIT!” What Are You Doing?!?! “What’s your name? Mine is Rachel, Rachel Lynn Jackson. What’s yours?” I ask. He smiles. “My name is…”

I don't know the title yet, sorry जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें