Chapter One: Detention

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  • Dedicated to Cannon Kern (One of the best) =]


(Luna's POV)

As I drove down to the High School, where detention was being held, I couldn't help but play over in my mind what happened to make me get into this idiot placement.

It had been the day before, Friday, when I got the detention. I was drawing in my notebook and stupid Mrs. Franklin asked me a question.

"Mrs. Coil?" She asked. I didn't raise my head, she wanted to ask me the question bad enough, she would wait 'till I was done with my drawing. "Mrs. Coil." She demanded now. I still didn't raise my head. Mrs. Franklin didn't deserve my attention, so, she wouldn't get it. My mom had always raised me to give people what they deserved, and not give them what they didn't.

I'm a little smarty for thinking around that, aren't I?

"Mrs. Coil!" She exclaimed. But, still, I didn't raise my head. I heard her ugly maroon clogs step over this way. I'm not the main girl on fashion--Apparently you could always go to Cecilia May about that--but seriously? Clogs?! No wonder no one respected Mrs. Franklin.

Mrs. Franklin had gray hair pulled back in a tight bun, yellow green eyes that were hard, a nose like a witch's, half-moon glasses going halfway down that crooked nose, then gray and maroon clothes. And don't forget those clogs.

She was standing over me now, her nasty breath going down my neck. "Stalker much?" I said with no guilt, looking up. "And could you take a breath mint, please, before ever breathing down my neck again. Thank you!" I said, then went back to my drawing. Kids were gasping and snickering all around.

"Detention, tomorrow, 7 o'clock am sharp!" She said, then heading back to her desk with her hands behind her back.

"Was that supposed to be a date?" I asked looking up, smirking. Then I gasped through my teeth, "'Cause I kind of have detention." I smiled and half-closed my eyes, peering at Mrs. Franklin. Though I wish I could do anything but. Dang she was old! I looked down at my drawing as the bell rang.

Pulling into the parking lot, I saw there were at least ten or twelve other cars. Teachers, mostly. They worked on weekends at the school sometimes. Idiots.

I got the keys out of my car and walked towards the school. Once I was in, I walked down the empty halls towards the detention room.

When I got in, I said hello to the detention lady. She knew me well, as it being that she saw me a lot here. She said hello back with a smile. Her name was Wendy. She had pale skin, in her mid thirties or early forties, red straight hair to her ears, and green eyes. Wendy was cool. She let me sleep in detention and even text or listen to music. No one else could though. 'Cause I was just that awesome.

Wendy appointed me a seat in the back right of the room. And right as in not when you're facing the classroom, but when you're at the back of the classroom facing the teacher's desks at the front. You know the seat where you have no one to your right side, because it was all wall? Yeah, there.

That's where I sat in detention.

I was apparently the first one there because within 30 minutes, half the room was full. I looked up to see another guy sitting next to me. He was obviously tall, well built, chocolate brown eyes and hair to match that went right over those eyes. His face I first saw was innocent, but then his emotion showed he wasn't.

I smirked and looked back to my book that I was reading from underneath my desk. Within 5 minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What?" I answered angrily, being snapped out of my book.

"Not even a 'hi'?" The boy said, raising his eyebrow. He was obviously used to attention.

"Oh, sure." I smiled sweetly, tilting my head. Then it all disappeared as I snapped my head up straight, "..I would.. But... No." I said rudely, going back to my book. The boy snorted. "What was that for?" I asked him, whisper-yelling. He would notsnort at me!

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