Several students exchanged glances, either wondering if he had gone more mad than before or if he was joking. The most common consensus seemed to be that he was a blubbering idiot who had no idea what he was talking about .

"I suppose that will be all." The Professor scratched his chin nervously. "I just hope you will take these words to heart, because I care greatly about my students, and I know you will all be great one day."

Lyra made eye contact with him before quickly glancing away. This wasn't a discussion she had wanted to have with Slughorn, and she definitely didn't want him to think something was up with her. She didn't need his pressures too.

She already felt Bellatrix breathing down her neck with everything she did, telling her to get great, to get dark and to get into the life of a Death Eater. Lyra didn't want that, she had never wanted that. Then again, she had never been asked what she wanted, so she wasn't sure of the life she wished to live. 

Her family only said they wished for her to be happy. Lyra wasn't sure if that was true, if her definition of happiness wasn't the same as hers. It hadn't gone down well when Blacks hadn't followed their family's footsteps before. 

They wanted her to be like Bellatrix, a crazed madwoman who kept saying she had never been as happy as when she was torturing and killing muggles. Or they wanted another Narcissa, who's greatest act of rebellion was marrying someone who wasn't conventionally attractive. 

Bellatrix said she wanted her youngest sister to follow in her footsteps. And while Slughorn rambled on about how the Dark Arts were dangerous, Lyra had a list of suggestions on books given by her sister in her dorm. None that she had even thought about looking at. 

"Well, you're all dismissed for the day, carry on as normally," Slughorn then said, as his students were all staring at him once he had finished his speech. "I'll see you in your Potions classes, you're all doing great."

Lyra and her friends tried to follow the hoard of students who were excited to go out and play in the December snow or meet up with their friends from other houses. Regulus was right behind her, trying to navigate through the girls

Before they made it out, though, Slughorn called out for them. "Miss Black, Mr. Black! Could you come over here for a second?"

The two cousin exchanged nervous glances, confused as to what he would want to talk to them about. Lyra had a bit of a feeling as to why, though. The rumors about Bellatrix Lestrange joining the Death Eaters were not yet confirmed but was still ravaging the Wizarding World. 

"Yes, Professor?" said Lyra politely, smiling brightly at their head of house. Mostly, she wanted to get out of there and yell that in his face, but she knew that being nice and charming was the way to Slughorn's heart. 

He put each of his hands on one shoulder of Lyra's and one of Regulus's. He smiled warmly, although with a hint of concern in his eyes. "I'd like for you two to know that if there is anything, and I mean anything, you wish to speak to me about then I am always here if any issues arise."

Lyra kept herself from making eye contact with Regulus, who glanced her way. "Thank you, Professor. It is so kind of you to say so, we will come to you straight away if there is any need."

The blonde looked over at her cousin, sending him a stern look, encouraging him to speak up. He cleared his throat and raised his chin proudly. "Of course, Professor. We really appreciate it."

He released them, sighing as if he was relieved. They weren't sure if he was relieved they had answered positively or because the conversation was over. "Good, good. Now hurry off, you two! I'm sure your friends are waiting for you."

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