18 - What Are We?

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"fuck school I'm going home to have a bucket of ice cream" I say annoyed and storm off.

Rye's pov ~

So Nessa stormed off

"that was rude" I hear someone say. I turn around to see maddie

"yeah but-" I say awkwardly

"but it was rude no matter what it was she shouldn't take it out on you" maddie says and crosses her arms

"she wasn't taking it out on me" I say with a sigh

"look I was going to ask you if we could talk" she says annoyed

"I'd rather not right now" I say and start to walk away

"You know she doesn't actually like it!" I hear maddie shout

I turn around and walk back up to her

"like what?" I ask confused

"cheer, she only did it because her dad wanted her to get more popular and not be so interested in his job, and being a cheerleader means getting a boyfriend. So she dated Dylan" maddie says with a smirk

"why are you telling me this?" I ask confused

"just thought you would want to know" she says and puts a hand on my shoulder

"eh okay" I say and brush her hand of

"aren't you dating Dylan though?" I ask

"yes, but ya know" she says and makes a awkwardly face.

"bye maddie" I say and walk away

After school I went home and put my bag away then I got a knock on my door. I open it to Vanessa standing there with a smile

"hey" I say to her with a smile

"hey so i bought you some chocolates to apologise for how moody" she says to me

"aw you didn't have to" I say thankful

"I missed you" she says and wraps her arms around the back of my neck she gives me a soft kiss.

"can I ask you something?" I say nervously

"yeah" she says with a smile

"do you actually like cheer?" I ask her

"it's okay I mean it sometimes gets boring" she says

"are you going to quit?" I ask softly

"no I gives me something to do, so no she says with a small smile

"can I ask you one more thing" I say and put my hands on her waist

She nods

"what are we, like am I just someone to mess about with or-" I say nervously

"I don't know what we are but I am definitely not using you or messing with you, I genuinely like you rye and I don't want you to think that" she says sweetly

"well I need to go home my dad wants me to cook something and my sister is wanting me to read her a story" she says with a we chuckle at the end

"ok can we hang out tomorrow after school?" I ask her with a smirk

"yes" she says and gives me a quick peck and makes her way to the door and leaves.

Vanessa's pov ~

I get home and start to cook some pasta. After I had my dinner I read my sister a book and put her to bed.

I take a shower and change into my pajamas I go straight to sleep.

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