Part thirteen

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You wake up with a weight around your waist you open your eyes to find Bradley looking down at you with a small smile on his face and he has his muscular arm wrapped around you
"Morning sleepy head" He says as he gently plays with your hair
"Morning" you say in a raspy voice as you nuzzle your head into his muscular chest
"You're so cute" he says which makes you hide your head under the blanket but he then lifts it up and puts his head under as-well so he can see your face
"Don't hide from me" he says softly as he traces the bones of your cheek and jaw gently
"I'm hungry" you groan as you roll over so your back is against brads chest which makes him wrap his arms around you and pull you even closer if that's possible but then you wriggle out of his grip but then fall onto the floor which results in you and brad bursting out laughing . Brad peers over the edge of the sofa to see you on the floor laughing and clutching your head as you hit it on the way down
"Are you okay?" Brad Asks through laughs
"I'm fine" you reply laughing, Brad stands up from the sofa and picks you up bridal style back onto the sofa
"Don't roll off this time" he says jokingly
"I'll try my best" you tell him still laughing. After about twenty minutes he comes back with plates of food
"I made breakfast" he says
"Smells good" you tell him and then he passes you a plate and a mug filled with hot tea
"Thank you" you say to him
"It's no problem" he says smiling like a kid on Christmas
"That's so good" you say as you start eating
"Really? I was scared you wouldn't like it" he says nervously
"No no it's really nice" you tell him and once you're done you grab all the dishes and chuck them in the dishwasher. Once you're done you decide to go on your laptop and google some jobs as you can't rely on brad all the time that's just not fair. You then close your laptop so you can go for a shower after your shower you head downstairs to see an angry looking brad aggressively pulling on the curls from his head
"Y/n what's this?" He Asks annoyed

Worst job? Brad Simpson bws the vamps Where stories live. Discover now