Chapter 1: The Vanishing Of Will Byers

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Hi, I am (y/n). I am a 12-year-old boy and I live in Hawkins, Indiana. Now you probably know this story already, but here is my role in this story.

It all started when I was going to middle school. I met four boys: Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson and Will Byers.

They were the nicest boys I ever met. I quickly became friends with Will.
Dustin and Lucas were also very nice and became my friends.

Only Mike didn't want me in their group. So I just ignored him until he accepted me. And he did after I saved him from a bully called Troy Walsh. He owed me.

We became the best friends ever. The five of us would play D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) almost every weekend. But everything changed that one night.

November 6th 1983. Mike finally finished his campaign storyboard for our next D&D campaign.

Me and Will gathered at Mirkwood (it wasn't called that, but we called it Mirkwood) because we lived the closest to each other.

Then on our way to Mike's we stopped at Dustin's. Dustin joined us on our trip to Mike's.

When we arrived at Mike's both Mike and Lucas were already waiting in the basement.

The three of us sat down in our seats. It was like 10 A.M. when our game started.

And the game took a couple of seconds. Those became minutes. And minutes became hours.

It was around 7 P.M. when finally something interesting happened. Not that is was a boring game, sorry Mike if you're reading this.

'Something is lurking in the shadows,' Mike said mysteriously.

'Don't tell me it's the Demogorgon!' Lucas said scared.

'Please not the Demogorgon,'

'Slowly but very loud it steps out of the shadows,' Mike said with a dark grin in his voice.


He placed an object down which was shaped like a monster with three heads.

'Oh no we're in deep shit!' Dustin said.

'Please save our souls!' I said praising for mercy.

But it was Will's turn.

'Fireball him!' Lucas yelled.

'Cast a protection spell!' Dustin yelled.

Honestly, now that I think about it. It was pretty sad seeing Will being in such a difficult situation.

He chose to fireball the Demogorgon. But he rolled a 9 which was too low to kill the Demogorgon. The Demogorgon killed Will. And then it was my turn.

But out of nowhere Mike's mother came down the stairs. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 9 P.M. Mike's mom said that we had to tidy the place up and needed to go home.

I was pretty sad but also happy, cause I couldn't have carried the pressure that they put on Will.

When I arrived home I went straight to bed. Tomorrow was Monday, another ordinary day of school.

But this night something terrible happened.

When we arrived at school Will wasn't there. I was worried. He would never be late or miss a class.

'Maybe his mother did something stupid again,' Dustin said.

'Or his brother,' Lucas said and he and Dustin laughed.

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