The Confession

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A few hours go by // Ed comes home to the mayor mansion late

It was late when Ed got home, eerie clouds were already cast over Gotham. After the only lead to figuring out who killed Isabella came up empty handed, he was feeling defeated he wanted to go to sleep and never feel anything again. The only person be believed could see him for who he really was and still love him was dead, murdered. Although Gotham was a busy city, it had never felt more alone then in that moment. Straight to his bedroom he went, with no sign of avenging Isabella he wanted to disappear, he felt like a failure. On the way Oswald caught his eye in a study, the door just opened a crack.

"You don't look so good, everything okay?" Edward said sticking his head in, the penguin was wallowing in his sadness on a bench in front of a tall bookcase. Oswald was his best friend, even though he was feeling low he still wanted to help him. His back was hunched with his head in his hands. The voice of Ed immediately got his attention,

"Yeah." Oswald said wiping the tears from under his eyes. "You don't look so good yourself." He said trying to chuckle at the situation but really he was just astonished that Ed found him but he was mostly embarrassed for Ed to see him like this.

"We've both had pretty shitty days huh." Ed said walking over into the small office to Oswald to join him in his sorrows. "I'm no closer to finding out who killed Isabella and I feel like I don't know like I'm failing her, what happen to you?" Ed took a seat on the hard wooden bench, it was small so their knees grazed each other. It was dark outside leaving them to rely on the dim lamp to glow the room. It didn't do much for them but it was enough to see the messy pile of books scattered on the floor.

"You're doing more than most people in your situation, please don't feel bad." Oswald said remorseful for Ed's situation, but deep down he knew it was his fault. Oswald went to put his hand on Ed's knee but he caught himself in time, quickly pulling it back in. "But I'm- not being honest and it's catching up to me, I'm in a very difficult spot and I just I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose anyone." Oswald said letting another teardrop fall. The cuffs on his suit jacket were rough against his under eyes as he's dried his cheeks. Ed wanted to look away and not direct attention to the boys spill of emotions but he couldn't help but see his rosy cheeks and his light freckles trying to shine through.

"Here-" Ed said handing the pocket square he had. Oswald took the cloth and wiped his face, it smelled like Ed, an expensive cologne and natural Ed muskyness. "I'm sure you did what you believed was right and some people can't handle the ugly truth of what happens in Gotham but secrets always and only end with pain." He said finally breaking his stare at Oswald to look up out the window at the black sky, they were too far away from the city to get the usual light pollution but from the mayor's mansion you could see some stars.

"I suppose you have a point." Oswald said getting quiet. He knew he had to tell Ed, it's the only way, that both him and Ed could get peace or Ed would spend his whole life consumed by this. It would best coming from him rather than him finding out on his own. Barbara taking Oswald's people then telling Ed his secret would be the absolute worst outcome, which was what was bound to happen sooner or later. That alone would eat Oswald alive but he couldn't handle Ed not knowing how he feels. His quickly face felt flush, he just knew his whole face was turning a deep beet red. The palms of his hands started to feel clammy and the world began to spin, on the verge of passing out Ed began to speak again.

"You know you can me anything right? If what you're not saying has to do with me, I mean it can't be that bad we've been through a lot together haha like that time-" Ed started to say trailing off just trying to fill the empty silence.

"I killed Isabella!" Blurted out Oswald, a huge huff of relief that he didn't pass out. Although everything in his mind became foggy and unclear, the fear was taking him over and his breathing became rapid and he held his knees tightly as he waited for a reaction. What felt like an eternity for both of them but was only a few seconds in real time.

"What!" Ed said in a deep authoritative tone. He needed to process the fact that his best friend killed the woman of his dreams. He cared for Oswald so much but this was a new type of feeling. Deep down the battle of hatred and love. "Y-you killed Isabella?" He was quieter but still had a deep tone.

"Ed I-" The softest voice Oswald could muster up said before Ed shot up from his seat and pulled a small revolver from inside his vest. Point blank he stood staring at Oswald, looking deep in his still wet eyes. They made eye contact for at least a minute. The world and everyone else in it became obsolete, it was just Ed and Oswald nothing else mattered. Each second that went by Ed's hand started to shake.

"You killed Isabella, she was the only-" Ed trailed off for a minute realizing Ed also understood him on a deeper level but refusing to believe that he continued talking. "-uh one who knew me and loved me she was the only one Oswald. We were going to make a life with each other and you- you took her- from me-" Ed clearly knew there was something going on that was more complicated than he thought, Oswald wouldn't be this upset over anyone.

"I had to! I- You looked at her the way I wanted you to look at me and I just couldn't bare to see that happen every day." He was harsh at first but when he couldn't find the words he wanted he became softer.

"What do you mean? Are you saying you want what me and Isabella had? to be more than friends?" Ed asked with a raspy voice, the look of anger was slowly fading to compassion.

"I love you Edward." Oswald says standing up to face Ed even though he was significantly taller than him. Oswald wasn't sure he wasn't about to be shot but he knew this was the next step. A few seconds of eye contact and Ed's eyes began to fill with heavy tears, and he lower the gun to his side.

"I need to kill you- but I can't." He collapsed to the ground, kneeling on the dark wood floor the gun slide out of his hand, through his fingers and made a small thud. Ed started to sniffle as a tear fell down his face.

Oswald reached down to put his hand on Edwards shoulder but he slapped it away. There was nothing more Oswald could do. There was a much higher chance Ed would have killed him so considering he got to walk away unharmed, he was thankful. That feeling of being thankful didn't last and the thought of his confession of love took over his mind, why didn't Ed say he loved him back? Ed never said he didn't love Oswald. There were so many unanswered questions that were racing around his mind.

[ sad boy hours :( rip ]

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