Part 1: Trunks' Dilemma

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--~~-- Author's Note --~~--
This is my first book, so it might be underwhelming. I'm sorry if it is... Anyways, this story will follow the basic plot of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1, and the next book will be following Xenoverse 2 similarly. Now, enjoy this story!

Thanks for reading~!

A bright light erupts from the small pedestal, the sky turning black.

"I am the eternal dragon, Shenron. State your wish, and I shall grant it."

"Shenron! Summon the strongest fighter you can!"

"Your wish is granted..."

The balls scatter, as a remaining light dissipates, revealing a young Saiyan. This young Saiyan is Parsuni, the tailed Saiyan Elite Shenron had summoned.

Parsuni: "....Huh? Where.... Where am I?"

Trunks: "You're in Tokitoki City. I'm Trunks, the one who summoned you. Reality is in grave danger! History is being messed with, so I used the mystic Dragon Balls to summon a strong fighter; You. We need your help."

Parsuni: "We...?"

Trunks: "The Time Patrol. Come with me, I'll show you just what's going wrong."

Parsuni: "Why should I trust you, bowl-cut?!"

Trunks: "Uh....! Well, technically speaking, no decent reason, but please! Help us!"

Parsuni: "....... Hmmph. All right, fine, I'll go with..."

Trunks: "Okay. Ah, but first, I need to test your strength. Fight me!"

Parsuni: "Alright then. I love a good fight, so I can't help but say yes!"

T: "Alright, let's go!"

P: "Okay!"

The two rocket towards each other, and battle right then and there. Parsuni and Trunks traded blow after blow, until Trunks landed, and sheathed his blade, turning around.

P: "H-Huh? Hey, what-?! Where are you going?!"

T: "I've got a good gauge on your strength, and we have no time to waste. Now come in!"
P: "But...! You...! GAAAAH!"

Afterwards, Trunks and Parsuni landed right beside the Time Nest.

T: "Alright, you ready?"

P: "Yeah, sure. Let's go see what's up with history, or whatever you said."

"...Friggin, walk away... Bastard..."

The two enter the Time Nest, and go inside the large Time Vault inside. Trunks notices a scroll surrounded by purple flames, and quickly opens it to investigate. The scroll was of the fight between Goku, accompanied by Piccolo, and Raditz, the low-class warrior with a power level of 1,000; Higher than Goku and Piccolo at that time. Somehow, Raditz was even stronger here, dominating the duo of Saiyan and Namekian, and even dodging the Special Beam Cannon.

Trunks grabs the scroll, and hands it to Parsuni.

T: "Alright! Even with the strange power boost he's getting, his power level is only 2,300! You're an Elite; You've gotta be around 18,000, right?"

P: "It's 16,500, but that's still more than enough to kill this low-class scum! Send me in!"

The young Saiyan is wrapped in light, and looks up to see the pod landing site, with Raditz about to dodge the first Special Beam Cannon. Parsuni shoots forwards, but Raditz still dodges. Parsuni still flies forth, and begins to lay into Raditz, until Raditz flies back to hold Goku hostage.

Tales of the Time Patrol - Book 1: Tokitoki City Catastropheजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें