Chapter 2

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As the trio turn around they are met with an unexplainable creature. It was scrunched over on all fours, but it starts to stand onto it's hind legs.

It was 10 feet tall with a long skinny body. It looked like it's skin was made of rough obsidian. Its eyes were like pits and it's mouth was the same way, almost like it was in awe at all times. It's hands were abnormally large with long piercing claws coming out of them. This thing had noticeable blood on it, Jake's blood.

"I think I just shit myself," Troy says backing up slowly.

"RUN!" James yells.

The group start running in opposite directions, Alex left, Troy forwards, and James right.

After running for what felt like hours James plants his foot on a rock weirdly and slips.

He hits the ground hard with a loud crunch from the leaves. He turns himself onto his back to see if he was being followed.

James sees the creature standing over him staring at him. His once abyss like eyes are now filled with flames.

"Get away from me!" he screams

He starts throwing anything he can grab to stop this thing from killing him.

It puts it's hand up ready to plunge it's dagger like claws into his chest. Desperately James grabs the water bottle he brought out of the back of his backpack and splashes it onto the creature.

The area where it was splashed starts turning molten red and the creature let's out a high pitch scream.

James quickly gets up and sprints towards Jake's house. He finally sees the light from his house and feels a wave of relief wash over him. He finaly gets into Jake's backyard, when he drops to his knees from exhaustion.

He sees Troy and Alex walk over to him. They each grab one of his arms to pull him up. They carry him into Jake's house just in case it comes back.

Alex and Troy sit James on the couch and then sit beside him; waiting for the police to arrive. They were all broken they didn't know what to do or think. The sound of sirens eventually crept in. The kids tell the officers everything they could. The officers wander into the forest searching for Jake

Eventually the officers obmerge from the forest carrying Jake. Jakes mom break down into hysterics. The kids sit there emotionless.

1 day later

"Save me James!" Jake bellows.

Jake stands in the same place he was murdered. The creature stands behind him staring at him.

"SAVE ME!" Jake screams at the top of his lungs as he's impaled through his back.

"Jake!" James yells in agony.

James wakes up with a gasp looking around his room frantically.

"Nightmare," James says under his breath.

He stands up and walks toward his lamp on his desk. He turns it on and sits down staring down at his closed computer. He opens it up and goes onto Google.

He searches "York Pennsylvania Myths" and start scrolling through websites. A certain legend catches his eye and he starts reading it.

"According to legend, there are seven remote gates which, when crossed in the right order, open a doorway to hell," he reads.

He grabs a a notebook from under his bed and then he sits back down. Then he wrips a page out of it and places it down to the right of him. He starts jotting down notes.

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