Chapter 1

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"Mia wake up its three thirty,'

" Ten more minutes mum"I said as I covered myself better with my woolen blanket,"

"Honey,the palace isn't gonna clean itself or do you want to skip school today,"

"I hate my life mom"

"At least you have one,now get up,"

Grumpily , I threw away my blanket and never cared where it landed. I checked my clock and shit,it was nearly four meaning that the alpha was nearly awake.

I changed into my maids uniform and started cleaning. For a seventeen-year-old ,I pretty much overworked myself but everything had a price.

When I came here thirteen years ago ,I had to grasp a lot for a girl my age. I had to cope up with the situation of having to live with werewolves.

At first,I have to admit,I was scared but with time,I got used to it.

The other servants in the palace were friendly and I spent most of my time with Andrew playing.

Unlike me ,Andrew got the chance to play with the Alpha's children ,Damien and Elsie. I used to feel bad but dad always found ways to cheer me up.

Dad would take me out for crazy rides of course in his wolf form. As I grew up I learnt how to work and that helped in catering for my schooling.

The Luna ,unlike the Alpha,was very sweet and understanding .She ,in fact ,helped in my schooling.

"NIRA stop day dreaming and get your ass in here quick," Andy spoke

Andy was one of the maid's daughters and just like me,we went to the same school.

"Andy I'm still sleepy"

"I made you coffee its on the counter,hurry or it will get cold."

"Thanks you're the best"

We were done with cleaning at around seven. I know ,but the house was so huge that I still got lost sometimes in it.

"Could you take Damien's breakfast to his room,I have to fix Elsie's meatloaf right now,"

"But you know how it is Andy ,he totally hates me"

"But you're head over heels for him"

"Are not"

"Are to"

"Are not"

"Are to"

"Fine I'll do it"

"You'll thank me later for this"

"I hate you Andy"

"And I love you too Mia"

OK so here's the thing, I somehow ,sort of had a crush on Damien and Andy accidentally knew about it.

She caught me staring and made me tell. Yeah I know we're from two different worlds and we had a huge class difference but hey ,every girl has a right to dream.

For someone like me I should have lost hope but it never seemed to stop. It turned to a weird obsession.

Watching how he waltzed with different ladies ,how he'd dominantly kiss the shit out if them.

The thought rushing through my mind made me clench my thighs tighter. I got to stop letting this thoughts run through my head in the middle of the day.

I held onto the tray tightly careful not to drop it despite my legs feeling all jelly. I balanced the tray on my knees and knocked . No reply. I did it for the third time and finally got a response.

"Who is it"

"Its a servant sir"

Yes. I am only but a lowly servant seeking you out . Only a glance from you would make me be able to die in peace

Okay. That was just pure bull shit. What on earth I'm I thinking and plus that's just embarrassing

"What do you want?" He groaned

"I brought your breakfast sir,"

I could hear footsteps then the door unlocked and finally opened. My eyes met with his well toned bare chest and my throat instantly became parched.

I'm probably ovulating right now. That would explain why my hormones are acting out

"Where should I put it sir"

"Just put it by my lamp post"

As I walked I felt his eyes boring into my skull. He shut the door and stood right in front of it. 


"You're Andrew's sister,Mia,"

"Yes sir"

"How comes I haven't seen you around?"

"I highly doubt if the Alpha would be pleased that a meer human servant hangs around the house,"


He said as he circled me. The intense look he gave me was too much to handle

"Anything else sir before I leave"

I nearly face palmed myself after I realised the weight of that question. He walked towards me as I calculated each and every step.

His abs flexed effortlessly with each and every move he made. I bit on my lip harder. The heat spreading in my core was overwhelming.

He stood Sooo close to the extent that I couldn't control my breathing. He leaned in closer and as reflex my eyes shut. I felt his warm breath brush my ear and instantly my heartbeat sped up.

"Next time wear a hairnet,wouldn't want your hair in my food now would we?" He whispered

"No sir"

"And slow your heartbeat ,its killing my eardrums,I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea,got it maid?"

How could I forget that his hearing was extremely good. He must be thinking that I have a huge crush on him which wouldn't be incorrect but it would be weird. I mean how would I be able to face him ever again after this.

Dear hear, kindly stop pounding this hard. Hopefully he couldn't read my thoughts otherwise,I would probably be getting fired by the end of the day

But then again, why would he fire me? He knows very damn well that he has a nice looking face and I'm sure he has had countless confessions from girls.

"Yes sir,"

When he harshly bit my earlobe I gasped. That was completely unexpected. This son of a ....

"Get out!"

I didn't hesitate. I got out immediately and I realised one thing as I left. I was hooked. Totally hooked to my master Damien.

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