• e i g h t e e n •

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The "Bigfoot hunters" make their way when all of camp is here and begin talking.

"We have found tracks from Bigfoot here. He has marked 10 sets of his tracks with 10 different colors. A group of two cabins will pair up and find the color given."

Greyson and I share a smile and our groups pair together.

The game is long but fun. When it is over (we came in third) the cabins head back to their separate houses and crash but not me.

I stay up thinking about Greyson. How could such a wonderful, mysterious, beautiful girl like a normal looking mute boy. I just don't understand it. I stay up past one and then walk outside to the bench.

There sits Jason staring longingly into the sky. I rustle my feet in the leaves to not startle him. "Hey Lane." He says without even turning around. I smile though he doesn't know and go to sit next to him.

He looks up at me and I stare at him with a puzzled face so to say "why are you up too?" He gets it. "I couldn't sleep because I was thinking too much like usual." I nodded to signal the same.

"Do you ever think there's something more than this life? Something more than just waking up everyday and waiting to go back to sleep?"

I nodded very hard.

"See this is why we're friends." He laughs. "Tomorrow is the last day of camp..." He sighs. I don't do anything because I was fearing him saying that.

"I'll miss you." Jason says hugging me tight. I hug him back.

"This isn't goodbye forever" I write.
"True... You know what?!" He says lighting up. "You are absolutely right. Let's go on an adventure after camp. You can bring Greyson too. We can go on a cross country road trip!" He smiles at me. "How about it?"

I nodded smiling like an idiot and write down "let's do it."

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