"Shh... jus' stay a minute, maybe five?" I hugged her further into my body, more of her bump resting on my thigh and she let out a happy little whimper.

"Okay but then I -" She paused to yawn, "-I really need to move. There's so much to do." Her head settled into the crook of my shoulder and I knew it wouldn't be long until she fell asleep, my own eyelids were heavy too. Whatever this 'so much to do' was, it could wait. I was so glad just to be home, be here, be quiet with my girls. Jessi's soft little snores lulled me off to sleep.


Robi's violent little kicks to my ribs woke me up. I peeled my eyes open and saw Jess rub over the spot while mumbling nonsensical words, something about a baby. "Hey Sweetpea, what you doing to Mummy? Let her sleep? Hmm..." I felt another kick, but it was less violent this time. "That's my good girl. Daddy missed you, did you miss me? I can't wait to meet you properly."

"I can't wait for her to meet you properly either, she's currently sitting on my bladder." Jess groaned.

"Hey! No! Come back!" I pouted as her bump lifted from my body. My hands snaking around her hips as she tried to stand up.

"Harry stop!" She whined. "Or I will pee on you and not in a sexy way."

"Okay fine. But be quick, yeah? I want more cuddles."

"Hmm.. how about we strap 10lbs to your abdomen and see how fast you move?" She cocked her eyebrow at me.

"I love you." I grinned as she waddled down the hallway mumbling a begrudged 'I love you too'.

"Harry, can you help me?" She yelled a little while later and flew out of my seat, tripping over my old cradle which was waiting to be assembled.

"Jess?" I panted and burst into the bathroom, not really sure what to expect, had she fallen, was the baby coming? NOW? But what I wasn't expecting was almost walking into her as she bent over with her legs wide open, her arse sticking out as she grunted like she was moving a horse. "Baby? What are you doing?" I tried to suppress my chuckle as I leaned against the door frame.

"Don't just stand there. It's not funny. This is how I bend now and I'm stuck!" She groaned a giggle bursting begrudgingly from her lips.

"Hmm... I don't know. I'm enjoying the view." I smirked.

"Ha - rry!" She whined, her ass sticking up further in the air as she tried to stand up. My dick twitched in my sweatpants in response to that.

"Baby?" I said quietly as I walked up behind her.


"How about I cook us something really quick for dinner and then we head to bed?" I asked as I bent over and wrapped my arm around her body and scooping her upright.

"I'd like that. I missed you." She whispered as she backed into my hardening dick.


"Mmm... Harry!" She whimpered as I slowly rocked into her, my arms hugging her tight against my chest as I buried my nose in the crook of her neck. She smelled so good. I poked my tongue out and licked a stripe against her shoulder, tasted good too. I'd missed being able to explore her body in whichever way took my fancy. I'd missed being near her. Missed her voice. Missed watching her bump blossom. I felt my tears fade into her soft brown hair, the waves tickling my nose as we moved slowly together, neither of us in any sort of hurry, just enjoying being joined together. "I'm so happy you're home." She said as her hand reached behind her to tangle in my hair. Her fingers brushed the back of my neck, softly pulling my head forward as she turned hers towards me, I eagerly pressed my lips to hers, my tongue busy re-tracing my favourite route around her mouth. I'd missed kissing her too.

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