Chapter 16

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Mu: Chemotherapy?????????

Abhi: Yes chemotherapy!!!!!
You say i wasn't with you!
But were you ever with me?????
Tell me Mukti were you ever with me?????

Mu: You never told me about any of this!!!!

Abhi: So the person have to tell you that he is sick then only you will have time for him!!!
Great Mukti... Super great.!!!

Mu: That not I'm saying! You are taking it out of content.

Abhi: I'm taking it out of content????
Say the truth Mukti you didn't had time for anyone else other than your precious Fab5.
You were only jealous because i was spending my time with Nandani who you never liked because she took Manik's attention from you...!!!

Mu: Thats not true. Its true that i didn't liked her in the beginning but when she became bhai's girlfriend i never had a problem with her.

Abhi: You can never tell the truth!! That's always been your problem Mukti...

Mu: How can you not tell me about your health and tell Nandani!!!

Abhi: Thats my point Mukti i didn't had to tell my sister she herself was suspicious that something is wrong with my health.

In between all this chaos one person enters the room and was standing near the entrance listening to all the drama.

Person: Abhi is right!!!! if you love someone then its not possible that you can overlook his/her health!!!!

Mu: Who are you ???? And who gave you the right to talk between us???

Abhi: Manners Mukti don't forget them!!!

Mu: What right does she have to disturb us when we are talking???

Abhi: Oohhhh she has all the rights Mukti!!!
As she is my fiance.

Mu: fiance?????

Abhi: Don't tell me you ever thought that i will ever wait for you after what you did???

Mu: No its not that.!!!!

Abhi: Good !!!! Because you doesn't deserve someone's love.

Abhi to person: Sorry about all this drama jaan!!!

Abhi walked to his fiance and kissed her on her cheeks.😘

Abhi: But as far as im concerned you were coming tomorrow morning!!

Person: Yes i was but my work completed early so i thought to surprise you.
But here im surprised!! What is that heartless b*t*h is doing here????

Mu: how dare you talk to me like that???

Abhi: ENOUGH Mukti !!!! Remember this is my home.

Turning to Raj and Neyo he introduced his fiance to them, Dhruv, Cabir and Navya. But not to Aliya and Mukti.

Abhi: Uncle auntie this is Kritika Raichand my fiance.

Abhi: Uncle auntie this is Kritika Raichand my fiance

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{ Kritika Raichand: 26 years old Daughter of late. Harsh and Pallavi Raichand. She is the sole owner of the Raichand Group of hotels. Her parents loved her very much but when her father died of an heartattack few years back her mother soon followed her husband as she was not able to live without the love of her life. Raichand and Oberois always been friends with each other so Abhi and Kritika always knew one another. Kritika always loved Abhi but he always saw her as a friend only. It was only after returning to New York for his treatment he was kritika's love and care for himself. First they became good friends with each other and when Abhi's treatment was successful they started their relationship. They both were in relationship with each other for three years and have been engaged for one year.}

Sh: Only everyone Enough is enough!!!
Just go back to your rooms. I don't want a war zone right now in my home. But Mukti and Aliya what you did to my sister, lets just say that the bad phase in your life just have started.!!! No one make my sister cry and gets away scout-free.

It was Shivaay's words that people started leaving for their rooms. Dhruv went back to his room but Aliya went with Mukti as she wanted to talk to her.

In Mukti's room

Mu to A: What i have done Aliya????? What i have done in my jealousy!!!!
I broke myself in my attempts to break bhai and Nandani. I just wanted to make Nandani leave nothing else as she was always with bhai and he never had time for me after she came in his life. I thought when she leave i will ask Abhi for forgiveness, i thought as he loved me he will forgive me for my insecurities regarding Nandani and will explain to me that they were just in same bed nothing else. I never even thought he will leave me and get engaged to someone else.

A: Control yourself Mukti. No one can know that it was our plan to seperate Manik and Nandani. No one can know that we lied about seeing Nandani and Abhi in compromising position. It will be bad for us.

All this was heard by Navya who was crossing the corridor to go to her room. Navya was shocked by these revelations as she always thought that maybe just maybe she was wrong about Nandani and maybe Nandani had done all what Aliya and Mukti had said about her. It seems her husband was right about his sister, that she can never do anything like this. Navya was now worried about Manik now she knew the truth.???? What will happen when Manik come to realise exactly what kind of person mukti is!! And what exactly Aliya and Mukti had done.???? It soo happened she and Cabir only have one more day as Manik will be discharged from hospital day after tomorrow.

[ Note: ❤❤friends i have completed my century in number of people who are following me..!!!!
Thank you all very much ❤❤❤❤❤ ]

!!!!Thank you all very much ❤❤❤❤❤ ]

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