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"I've come to a conclusion," I said walking along the street with shawn

"And what's that?"

"I'm lucky." I said, looking at him.


"I'm lucky. As in, you have millions of fans right?" I asked him

"Um I guess you could say that..."

"No shawn, you do"

"Ok then, I do. Carry on," he said.

"And you've met hundreds of people, maybe even thousands," I said, raising my eyebrows to show that I was waiting for him to answer.

"Oh! Um...yes I guess you could say that too."

"And SO many girls, and boys, want you right?"

"I feel uncomfortable answering that question y/n. I can't possibly tell if people 'want' me," shawn answered making air quotes on 'want'.

" well they do. Anyway, I am lucky because for some weird and impossible reason, you are interested in me. It's a freaking miracle shawn and I'm 100% sure it's down to luck."

He looked at me and smiled. Shaking his head he said,"no y/n. We are both lucky. We are both lucky to have met each other."

He reached for my hand and kissed me softly on the cheek.

"Besides, I'm not really complaining," I said laughing

Shawn mendes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now