Ten minutes and I get to gouge that cake away, he smiled.

Fifteen minutes later, he dashed down the stairs, showered and dressed in his night clothes, finger combing his damp hair. Coming to the base of the stairs, he stopped abruptly. His chin lifted as he sniffed a couple of times. Eyes widening, he hurried in the direction of the kitchen.

As he entered the kitchen, all he could do was gawk.

"Unbelievable!" He whispered causing Sonia to turn and smile at him.

  "You were hungry," she stated simply.

  "And you made all this for me?" He asked, still not believing.

  Sonia shrugged her shoulders, "Well not all. I am eating too. Besides I am sorry for earlier," she finished, looking down at her feet.

Ian went to her and turned her face up with his forefinger under her chin, "If that means I always get to eat all these, then I do recommend you repeat what you did earlier all the time."

Sonia's lips curved up slowly at his words, "Really? You forgive me?"

Ian threw up his hands, "Will I still be angry at someone who made me food? Of course I forgive you, sugar."

A breath rushed out of his mouth as she hugged him all of a sudden.

"Thank you so much," she mumbled, her voice muffled in his chest.

But Ian was unable to move, his body going stiff at her sudden outburst. She hardly ever touched him. He had come to accept that whatever may happen, she will never be as open to him as she was to others

Sighing softly, he put his arms around her, content to savour the bits and pieces of her affection he received.

"You're welcome, Sonia," he whispered as he tried to relax and bask in the tranquillity of being accepted by her.
They stayed like that for a couple of heartbeats before she tried to move away. Ian simply refused to let her out of his arms, keeping them wrapped around her shoulders, while hers were around his waist.

"The food will get cold," she said and just like that, Ian snapped out of his daze. He pulled back and turned to the table.

"Yeah," he smiled, rubbing his hands together as he eyed the food, "let's eat."

Pulling out a chair, he sat down and began piling his plate high. So engrossed was he in trying to adjust everything on his plate that he did not spare her another glance. Only after he had taken a bite did he come to his senses that she was still hovering around.

"Hey. You not joining?" He asked gesturing to the table.

Sonia turned around from where she was pouring a mug of coffee, "Err, no," she walked over and placed the steaming mug by his plate, "I will be right back. I just need to change," she smiled and turned towards the door.

Ian caught her wrist before she could take a step, making her stop, "What's wrong with these clothes?" He asked as he took in her black crochet patterned palazzo and the full sleeved cream coloured crop top. It rode up but showed just an inch or so of her waist, however, teamed with those pants it looked completely modest enough to not draw any attention. He himself hadn't noticed it till then. Not that he ever paid a mind to any girl's clothing but her's was a different case.

"I need to freshen up Ian!"
"But I don’t want to eat alone!"

"Then wait a while," she suggested, trying to pull her hand away from his grasp.

"But I'm hungry," he whined, "And also the food will get cold."

"Oh, for God's sake, Ian. I will be back in a couple of minutes. I just need to get out of this top, it feels uneasy on my shoulder."

Ian let go of her hand as soon as the words were out, "Come fast," he mumbled.

She nodded once and then hurried out of the room.

Ian looked down at his plate. Pushing it away, he picked up the mug. Slouching back in his chair he tried to relax his mind as he took the first sip of the coffee.

Nevertheless, it seemed a bit difficult. He had come to the conclusion that he was changing. The simple fact that he was waiting for her and not gobbling up his food was reason enough. He was the one who would never wait for anyone, ever. It was just clear that she was somehow becoming his foremost priority.

"But why?" He whispered to himself, "No one affected me like this before." He placed the mug back on the table and got up, running his hand through his hair, "Hell! I even disliked her in the beginning!" He paced in front of the counter, "What is it about her that made even me warm up to her in just a few weeks?"

He stopped by the sink, placing his hands on its edge as he looked outside the window trying to form an answer to his troubles.

A few minutes later, he heard her footsteps rushing into the kitchen before she exclaimed, "I'm back!"

Ian turned at the cheerful lilt of her voice. He looked at her, clad in a light blue t-shirt, which looked soft enough to be ages old, and loose track pants. Her dark hair  were up in a bun, a few tendrils already having escaped, framing her face. The face that was split in a beaming bright smile. The one that made your lips quirk up involuntarily in response.

Ian smiled at her as she walked in and filled up a cup of coffee for herself. Turning back, she walked over and sat on a chair. Grabbing a plate, she was about to start when she saw him still standing by the sink, "Come on," she urged, jerking her head and his feet moved on her command.

Ian sat down but kept looking at her. The smile was still there on her face as she methodically put up a piece of waffle on her plate, then turned to get a piece of the French toast.

She put down the plate before her and then frowned, "You forgot the cake!"

Quickly she cut up a big slice for him. Seeing no space on his plate, she got up and fetched another for him. Serving the cake, she sat down and started eating. Ian shook his head as she forgot to get some for herself.

They completed their meal, Ian still trying to come to a solution to his problems.

Sonia got up, cleared the table and started washing the dishes, all the while talking about this and that, a smile always on her lips, a light in her eyes.

The dishes done, she turned around, wiping her hands on a towel. Ian saw as the smile slowly faded and the light dim in her eyes. She frowned as she rushed to him, bumping her injured leg on a chair, but hardly giving it a thought as she sat facing him.

Ian looked at her, refusing to show any response to her questioning look.

Why am I changing? What is happening to me? When did I, all of a sudden started to care? And why the hell do I even care about her? A girl I had not known for more than a handful weeks.

"What's wrong Ian?" She asked, "Are you angry? Did you not like the food?" When she didn't get an answer, her eyes went big as she exclaimed, "It's because you had to wait for me. Is it not? I'm really sorry for that."

It was then, right at that moment, when Ian found the answers. And it was right in front of him.

She was pure, he realised. Her heart was pure. She was like a warm gust of wind on a cold winter morning, a ray of sunlight in a storm. She was a beacon of warmth, which made everyone simply fall in love with her. She was like freshly fallen snow. There was no darkness in her although she was surrounded by it all her life. She smiled, but worried for everyone even if the person didn't give a shit about her. Hated by her family, criticised her whole life by the society, she never let the seed of hatred take a root in her heart. Being alone in a whole new world, she still had the guts to keep herself together and the utter faith to complete a quest that a person twice her age would hesitate to accept. For who knew if her father even had the idea of her existence. And even if he did, will he care to listen about the heartbreak he received ages ago.

And above all, she had the heart to forgive all those who left her stranded alone, to face the world.

Ian understood it was her, the genuine self, a simply unadulterated person that was changing him. It was this selfless being who was urging him to care and it was her heart that was making him yearn for more of her company, her laugh, her silly talks, yearning to just bask in her light.

A smile broke slowly on Ian's face as he got all his questions solved out one by one, "No. The food was good," he said looking at her, "I was just thinking about running down to the store and getting you some ice-cream so you can curl up with your book and enjoy it."

The doubts disappeared and she beamed up like a child, "Wow. That's so wonderful." She smacked her forehead with her hand, "Silly me!" She got up and turned back to clean the counter with a damp dishcloth.

"And yes. I would like double choco fudge."
Ian laughed as he got up, "Right away, sugar," and ran out before she could retort.


Here's another update fellas.
And a HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY to all you beautiful people.
Love ya all.
Till we meet again:)
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