chapter 2

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Camila's pov

I'm taking plates to a table and see the girls on their phones, I sigh and set the plates down

"Yo! where's my drink?" one of the boys said, I look and sigh

"I'll go get that I'm sorry" I say, it's been a bad day today

"You best" he said, I sigh again and go to get it but a hand on my waist stops me

"How about you go get the drink's her brake" I hear, that's the voice from yesterday, I look back at her and she smiles and I smile back

"No this is her job she should do it right" he said, Lauren takes my hand and walks me out

"Oi! get back to work" one of the other girls said

"It's her brake, you back to work!" Lauren said, she sits me down on a table outside

"Hey" she said, I smile

"Hi" I say

"Bad day?" she asked, I nod lightly and she smiles sadly

"I'm Lauren by the way" she said, I smile and nod

"Nice name" I say, she giggles

"I could say the same about yours camila" she said, I smile that she remembered my name

We sat there for a while talking getting to know each other and laughing, I must admit she did make my day better, then the door opened

"Back to work!" another waitress said, I sigh and go to get up but Lauren stops me

"How about you work for once in your life, she's having a brake for once you lot in there just stand on your phones, you work and let her sit down and relax, she is not getting back to work until I leave" she said, I smile and look at her in awe, the girl sighed and groaned and goes in

"Why are you so nice to me?" I ask, she shrugs

"You have a nice vibe" she said, I smile with a blush

"Plus you're hot as fuck" she said, I giggle smiling wide with a huge blush

"You too, you play soccer?" I ask, she nods

"Yeh, it's just a hobby" she said, I nod with a smile

"That's cool, who do you play for?" I ask

"Red dragons, but I might start to train for national Miami team" she said, I go wide eye

"Do it!" I say, she giggles and shakes her head

"I don't really want to be away from home all the time...I'm not really sure" she said, I nod

"I get that but, I bet your good enough...don't red dragons get paid for playing though?" I ask, she nods

"Yeh, not as much as the Miami team though, I get paid like...$45,000" she said, I nod

"A year?" I ask, she blushes

"A month" she mumbles, I go wide eyed

"Lauren! thats $540,000 a year! thats good, you goof if you don't want to work for Miami you don't have to, you have a good income" I say, she nods and hears her name so she looks

"What?" she asked, the girl sat next to her yesterday comes over

"Coach called and we have to go to a meeting" She said, Lauren sighed

"I'll be there" Lauren said, the girl nods then smirks at us and walks off after winking at Lauren

"Sorry, What's your number?" she asked, I smile and write it down and pass her the paper, she texts me and I save her number

"I'll text" she said, i nod and get up and pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek

"Don't work your ass off, make them do some work as well" she said, I nod

"How? they don't listen" I say, she smiles rubbing my shoulder

"Stop doing work and say you won't do any until they do" she said, I smile and nod

"Bye camila" she said, I smile

"Bye Lauren" I say, she walks away and I go inside then my phone goes off


When are you working?


Tuesday, Wednesday, weekends, 10am-11pm


Okay babe, don't work too hard


I won't



I smile putting my phone away and do 3 tables then make them do some

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