chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ashley’s PoV

When I woke up the next morning i was laying in Ryan’s with Ryan’s arms tightly around me. After we Made out, i must have fallen asleep, no doubt that Ryan carried me up here. He’s so strong and muscley he shouldn’t have just been walking around with a shirt off! that is one way to turn a girl on, Isighed but now i feel bad for cheating on Gibbs... I know i shouldn’t have but it was then or never. Ishould tell him. He has been nothing but a good boyfriend to me and all i do is blow it. I let my eyes fall in Ryan he lay there unmoving, his eyes still shut. i began moving slowly unwrapping his hands from around me and just when I got got both of his hands from around me his eyes flew open and he quickly wrapped his hands back around me. i smiled a little to brightly, and he pulled me on top of him, he also smiled brightly and pulled me down to kiss him, with out hesitation i kissed him back. What am i doing?! I pulled away from him quickly and jumped off of him. I ran to the window with out looking back, I opened it and climed out into the sunrise, it was warm out so the cool air didnt effect me. i jupmed over the rail to my balcony and went inside. I shut and locked the door and crawled into my own bed. what have i done?

Gibb’s POV

I woke up to a beautiful sunrise that made me smile on the inside and the out.

What a nice day. I walked over to my full length mirror and looked at my very god like features. no wonder why I cant have any girl i want. I looked over to my bed were a sleeping girl, Amber i think her name was, she had a smug smile on her face as she let the blanket fall over her naked body. I turned my attention back over to the mirror as I once again saw the face of god in my reflection. Dang i look good! I let my shaggy blond hair fall over my face. I wasn’t wearing a shirt and was wearing blue plaid boxers. I have a 6 pack and muscles that any guy would kill for. My eyes were a pale green and my complexion was a natural tan. LIke Paly-D or Vinny. wow how much i look up to those guys they get a different girl every night and don’t even think about the last. I sighed. that would be the life. get to sleep with a million difference girls that are all super hot. I have it all i live in a mantion with butlers maids, i’ve done them all to, chefs, drivers! I have it all. I slipped on a pair of faded dark blue jeans and a Bob Marly tee shirt. I bought this shirt two sizes to small so I hug's my chest and sculpts my muscles. I made my way to the talk box by the door of my room. “Kelly?!” i yelled into the mike

Kelly has been our chef for 5 years every since mom and Dad divorced. She has gold blown hair and a slim figure. She makes all of my favorites. Cupcakes, banna bread, and best of all PB&J! Iknow it sounds lame but come on its peanut butter and jelly man! it doest get any better than that! I smiled to my self when she replied “ Yes Gibb’s sir?” When she had first started working here she was calling me just ‘Gibb’s” who does she think she is?! she can call me ‘Mr. Intotelly’ ( pronounced IN-TOE-TELLY) [ A/N i know that thats a weird last name but i couldnt come up with one so i found different things around me and squished them together.] but to call me ‘GIBB’S’ i am of greater stature then her how dare she use my first name she is just thee staff. I think he does it just to piss me off!

“What can i get for you this morning?” i thought about that for a second, than remembered that i indeed had a girl friend i had to attend to. HHMm what will i do for her to day? I dont like Ashley in that way at all! We have been just friends for a long long time and thats all we are EVER going to be, but if she thinks so i can at least pretend right? “ get me a picnic basket and pack it with a variaty of fancy cheeses,fruit, desserts, sandwiches, and make us some sort of picnic drink. that would be romantic on the beach... Oh and have lucy the maid get a blanket. Put all of this stuff in the back of my car than page me to come down.”

I waited about 15 minutes, completely frustrated that it was taking this long. do they know who I am?! I control those low life’s future! how dare they expect me to just sit around and wait!? i waited another 5 minutes and decided to call Ashley

Ryans Pov!

I woke up with Ashley and I tangled in each other. I made sure to pretend to still be asleep because i felt Ashley stir in my arms. she moved slowly trying not to wake me but when she almost got my arms off of me I opened my eyes and pulled her in tight. We kissed, but then she jumped and ran towards the window, opened it and jumped out. When she left a wave of hurt washed over me.

I shuttered when I herd a phone vibrate in the covers. i looked around till i found it, under my pillow. It was Ashley’s phone. I looked at the caller ID.... it was Gibbs, i frowned. then an amazing idea hit me! i opened the phone

“hello?” there was silence on the other end till Gibbs responded “uhh hello?... who’s this”

I grinned to my self hugely!

“this is Ryan”

Gibbs POV


Ryan?! Ryan?! why the h✺ll is he answering Ashley’s phone!

“WHy ARE YOU ANSWERING MY GIRL FRIENDS PHONE!” I then do the only thig i can think... I cursed him out.

Ryan’s Pov

I when i told him who i was there was another long silence. He started cursing me out so i did the only thing i could think of. I turned the phone on Mute, then speaker. I started laughing my head off!!!! i huge smile was over my face-

“ why do you have her phone?!” he didn’t even sound angry just trying to be.

I thought this was the time to tie it all together

“ Well she slept with me.” there was silence on the other end.

“Great. Now I guess, I have a real reason to kill you.” the line went dead and I dropped the phone. Kill me? I chuckled. He couldn't lay a finger on me... Could he?

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