How you met #1

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{How you met}

Today was just like one of your normal days, the usual Starbucks job of taking orders and making lattes and other sorts of drinks.

As your finish the woman's order of a mocha latte, you notice a guy staring at you. Letting your better nature sink in you decide to act as if he's not there.

After finishing the order you ring the bell. "Kira?" You say the written name on the cup. The same woman comes and takes her drink.

You peak a quick glance to the blonde who recently was staring, sure enough he was staring again, but this time was different.

He was heading straight towards you.

"Excuse me miss."

Your attention goes to the guy. Now up close you can tell he's a not naturally a blonde and has bright blue eyes, and quite familiar you may add. "Can I get a hot chocolate?" He also has a deep Irish accent.

You gulp and nod, almost forgetting to ask a name. "Y-your name?" You fumble with your words for a moment and quickly regaining yourself. He smirks.


That was the start of something amazing.

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