The final (20th) chapter

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"Today we are saying our last goodbyes to Natalie Ames Saldana, the beloved friend and mother to us all. But more about her you will hear from her stepdaughter Kayla. Please come here, Kayla." says the priest during the funeral which is held in the church of holy mother in New York, US.

"Natalie Ames Saldana was one of the best people I met. She was always there for me. She died a hero. She was the best friend and mother to a lot of people. She was charitable, funny, loving... She was the only person I could trust. I love you, Natalie so rest in peace."

"Thank you, Kayla. This was very touching." says the priest while Kayla is stepping of the podium and hugging Christopher.

After the funeral Kayla and Christopher invited everyone to go with them to Natalie's birth house in Hamptons to help them celebrate Natalie's life. When they got there Kayla disappeared and when Christopher wanted to go look for her he saw Bella standing with her brother and some people he didn't know. He approached.

"Bells! I can't believe it. How are you alive?" says he.

"Long story short, I survived the crash. Don't ask how, I just did." says Bella.

"Dad, who is this?" says Elsa.

"Dad? When did you have children?" says Christopher.

"Guys, this is Christopher Anderson, your mother's brother. Chris, this is Elsa and this is Thomas."

"Oh my god. Nice to meet you guys. Please call me Chris and welcome to Hamptons." says Christopher.

"Thank you." say Elsa and Thomas together.

"Chris. Can I talk to you in private please?" says Bella.

"Sure thing, Bells."

Christopher and Bella leave the group. David, Elsa and Thomas are joined by Kayla.

"Hello David. Nice to see you again."

"Kayla. How are you holding on?"

"Better. I am grateful to Natalie that she saved my life. I am so sorry for the events 20 years ago. I really didn't mean to leave you."

"I know that now. I was at the courthouse when you told the whole truth to the judge."

"Dad, is this our birthmother?" asks Thomas.

"Yes, Tommy. Guys I want you to meet Kayla, your mother. Kayla, this is Elsa and this here is Thomas or as I call him Tommy."

"Hi guys. It is so great to meet you again."

"Mama!" screams Elsa and hugs Kayla. After a few seconds Thomas joins in and he pulls David in too.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Please take a sit in front of the screen. We will now show you the video biography of Natalie." says Christopher on the speaker.

"Let's go sit down, shall we." says Kayla after they break apart.

And they go. Few minutes into the movie Sasha comes behind Kayla.

"Kayla, can we please talk?" says Sasha.

"Yeah, sure thing." she says to him and then turns to her newly found family and says "I will be right back."

"Hurry up, mama." says Elsa.

"Yes, Elsa." says Kayla and leaves with Sasha.

When they get into Natalie's office Kayla shows Sasha where he can sit and she sits on a sofa chair.

"So, what's up, Sasha?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about us. I know there hasn't been an us for 21 years but I realized today that I still love you. I know I chose my family over you but my mother now finally supports us."

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