"Why  are  you  getting  over  defensive? "Hyuna  yelled.

"Let me  ask you  one  question  that  will  change  the  course  of this  argument. Did  you  ever touch  him, Taehyung. I am a mother  and I  know  a lot  of things  than you  do"

Taehyung  didn't  say anything  and Hyuna  widened  her eyes  in horror.

"Did  you? "

Taehyung  sprung  up with  a thoughtful  expression.

"I did.I had  no recollection  of that  night  since  a few days  ago. They  were  fragments  but  now  I'm  certain  that  I. ...I  ...touched  him. It was  a mistake. I  was  drunk  and  found  him  in my  room  and  then....I don't  know  what  came  over  me"said in self defence.

"Do you  know  that  this  means.You  took  advantage  of your  brother 's  husband  and  possibly  got him  pregnant. That  was  why Namjoon  got  disappointed  in you. That  was  why he  sent you  away  so he wouldn't  get  to see your  face. He even  took  the  responsibility  for  the  pregnancy  that  wasn't  his  just  to protect  you. He  loved  you and  what  did  you  do.You  hurt  him  where  it matters  the  most "Hyuna  snapped.

Taehyung  slumped  back  onto  the  couch  and  cupped  his  face.
"You  mean there  is  a possibility that Ara could  be mine. Is that why Jungkook rejected her  back  then? "Taehyung asked  in disbelief.

Hyuna glanced  at him  noting  the  crease  between his  eyebrows.

"It didn't  make  sense till  now. The  only  way to be  sure is to have  a paternity  test without Jungkook 's knowledge. If he  finds out I  don't  know  what  will  happen. For  your  sake  just  hope  this  is just  is a  fragment  of my  imagination  but if not. ..."she  faltered.

"I  don't  know  if I  will  be able  to forgive  you. And Jungkook. Goodness  knows what  he  had to go  through. I don't  think  it will  be difficult  to get Ara's  hair  sample  from  her hair brush .The  sooner we do it the better  it will  be for  the  both  of us"she  sighed deeply.

Taehyung  was  tongue tied and  frozen  where  he  sat.

"Taehyung  leave  I  need  to rest"she  whispered  as she  looked  at her son with  disappointment.

Taehyung  got up and  went  out, his  head hung lowly  in shame.

Slowly he made his way into the  hallway where  he  found himself of Jungkook 's door. The  silence was  deafening. He stood  there for what  felt  like  a year  before  walking away  hopelessly.

On the opposite side  of the  door there  was  also  another  restless  soul.Jungkook  sat in the dark on the rocking  chair.Ara was  soundingly asleep  in his  arms. He  was  afraid  of what  the  future  held  for  the  two of them.

Jungkook  didn't  step  out  of his  room  the  following  morning. He  was  worried  about  a confrontation  with  Taehyung  about  just  anything. Hyuna came  and  took  Ara out .

Jungkook came out  at mid morning thinking that the  coast  was  clear. Taehyung  would  have  already gone  out  for  work.

He  didn't  expect to run  into  someone  in the living  room  and  that  no one else  but  Taehyung  himself.

Jungkook had  his  hands on Taehyung 'chest. Taehyung 's  were  around  the  younger 's  waist.

"Were  you  home  along. ?I  was  about  to come  to your  room "

"Why? "Jungkook  forced  himself  to look  into Taehyung 's  expressionless face.He  couldn't  believe that  he hadn't  started  screaming  yet, so uncomfortable did  he  feel  in this  situation. He tried  to control  the  tremors that  shook him.

"I  wanted to  talk"

Jungkook  prayed for  a miracle. Anything that  would  save  him  from  this  confrontation. Taehyung  didn't  look  like  he had  slept  at all  and  had  even  skipped  work.

"Jungkook "a voice  called  from  the  door. Jungkook  wasn't able  to hold  himself  upright any  longer.

Taehyung  didn't  even  look  at the  person  whom  had  called  Jungkook. His  face  was  blank.Jungkook  bent his  head to conceal  the relief  that  must  be evident  on his  face.

He  removed  his  hands from  Taehyung 's  chest as though  it was  going  to burn  him.

"Jimin  Hyung "Jungkook literally  ran to the  older of the  three who gave  him  a questing  look. Taehyung paid  no mind  to the  older  and  went  to seat on the  couch.

"So why did  you  call  me here? "Jimin  whispered  from  the  kitchen   counter.

"They  are  planning  to  get  a paternity  test. I didn't  know  that  I  would  get  caught  this  early "

"So you  are  letting  them go ahead  with  it?"

"What else  can I  do?The  truth was  bound  to come  out  soon  or later. I'm  going  to get  them out  of their  misery "

"You  mean  you  are  going  to tell  them yourself? "

"The  truth  sets us free ,right. I'm  done hiding  like  some   criminal "

Just  then Hyuna  got into  the  house  with  Ara in her  stroller.

She  exchanged  a few  words  with Taehyung before  going  to seat  on the  couch  with  Ara.

Taehyung  was  about  to grab the  doorknob  when Jungkook  called  his  name.

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