13 | category five hurricane of toxic masculinity

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Something else that bothered Celia about the people, specifically the teenagers, in Mystic Falls, was that they never knew when to leave things alone.

Sheriff Matt Donovan had Dr. Saltzman father all of the students of the Salvatore School in the grand hall so he could give an announcement about recent events. Because everyone knows when something goes wrong in Mystic Falls it's automatically the supernatural kids' faults. Two human girls went missing and Dr. Saltzman wanted to send a group of students into Mystic Halls High School to do some investigating: something that was the last thing on Celia's to-do list. Lizzie Saltzman, on the other hand, had other plans.

In the middle of the assembly, she stood up to declare how heroic she was and that she planned on taking matters into her own hands. But please, if Lizzie Saltzman could compare herself to Katniss Everdeen for getting attacked by the gargoyle, then Celia considered herself to be Captain America.

It was all going to be a waste of time, anyway. Celia was sure that those two girls had just run away, and besides, if they hadn't what did she have to do with it?

After the assembly, Jed found her.

"Your boy is back."

"Thank you," Celia cooed, not sparing her friend one look. "Thank you for stating the obvious."

"I just wanted to check to see if our date was still on for tonight? That you still lost the bet and that it doesn't restart now that he's back?"

Celia hadn't thought of that. It would be an easy scapegoat to say that those three weeks weren't up yet, but did she want to seem desperate. She stole a glance at Jed. He had seemed so excited about their "date," she didn't want to crush him or hurt their friendship.

She took the lesser of two evils and gave in. "Yeah, it's still on."

Celia noticed his shoulders sag in relief as his smile grew brighter. "Good. I'll grab you from your room at midnight. Now let's go get us a new wolf."

Together, she, Jed, and a couple of the other older guy wolves walked to the cafeteria, where Rafael reportedly had been seen. Every step toward the cafeteria caused a new level of dread to settle in Celia's stomach. By the time they reached him, she was a whole new level of anxious. It only got worse when she saw who Raf was sitting next to, Josie Saltzman. Celia felt guilty. The flutter of her heart, the tightening my her muscles, all unwarranted feelings. And she hated that she felt that way.

Before they walked up to Raf, Celia grabbed Jed's arm stopping their pack. "Can we please try to do this civilly?"

When he looked at her, his eyes fiery and combative, she knew this was going to end poorly. "I'll do my best," he replied before finally approaching the pair.

"Bounce, Witch," Jed ordered, causing Celia's heart to plummet. There went civility. "Rafael and I need to have a little chat."

Rafael stood, furrowing his eyebrows and glaring at Jed. Celia could tell he was appalled by Jed's rudeness, she would be to. But right then she wasn't allowed to feel anything but support for her alpha.

"As soon as Josie and I are done."

Jed scowled. He wasn't exactly used to new wolf standing up against him, especially in a show of force like this. "Actually newbie, I'm you're alpha. Your done when I say you're done."

Josie scampered up between the boys, desperate to escape the argument. She checked her wrist as if checking a watch, Celia bit down on her lip to hold back a laugh when she realized there was no watch on Josie's wrist. "Will you look at the time? As fun as this hurricane of toxic masculinity is, I have to get to class."

A small smug smile appeared in Raf's face, and suddenly every signal that something is about to go wrong is sirening in Celia's head. "I'll walk you."

Josie's mouth fell open as Raf picked up her books. When he turned to leave, Jed's fists ball. It was her alpha's tell as much as it was Celia's, he was gonna pounce. Celia grabbed his arm before he could. She held her ground so hopefully, he would hold his.

"Enough, Jed." Celia lowered her voice in warning. At the sound of her voice, Rafael turned, his eyebrows arched in surprise almost as if he didn't see her before.

Jed yanked his arm out of her grip, glaring at her as he did so. "You lost the bet," he growled. "You don't have a say in it anymore."

"Bet?" Rafael met Celia's eyes and it felt as if she could suddenly feel all of his emotions. Confusion. Frustration. Annoyance. Disappointment. There was something powerful and alluring about it. Celia had to force herself to look away before she revealed the truth. She didn't want to read the betrayal in his eyes.

"When you first got here, I made a bet with Jed," she stole a glance at Rafael to try to gauge a reaction, but she got nothing. He was simply watching her with an even, almost cold, gaze. "I bet him that I could get you to join the pack using," she glanced at Jed this time who was looking at her with almost the same intensity that Raf was, "non-traditional tactics."

Unfortunately, she didn't have to meet his eyes again to feel his betrayal.

"So when you found me at the party?"

She nodded reluctantly.

"And when you went to help find Landon?"

Biting her lip, she nodded again.

"What did you get out of letting us go, then? Out of telling me that you understood? Or was it part of your plan all along? To get me to trust you so I would submit?" His voice rose with his frustration.

Celia stepped forward, trying to differentiate his line of sight from Jed and her.

"I never lied to you, Raf. Everything I said was true."

"And how am I supposed to believe that when all you've proven is you're just like everyone else here? Entitled and selfish." Jed growled at the boy who was speaking. All it did was connect Celia to the person she was trying not to. A cynical smile crossed Rafael's face and a dark chuckle came out of his mouth. "Oh, I get it now. All hail the king and queen, right?"

Rafael stormed away with Josie quickly in tow. The minute he was out of an earshot, Jed turned toward Celia, his eyes blazing.

"How could you let him talk to you like that?"

Celia's jaw clenched along with her fists at her sides. "And what would you rather me done, Jed? Attack him? Beat him into submission? We both know violence has only ever ended poorly for me. And how has it worked for you?"

It was a low blow, and she knew that, but it was the truth. Time after time again, when a wolf didn't submit, Jed bullied them into submission. And time after time again, Celia stood idly by his side. How much longer could she stand to do this same routine?

The two held eye contact for what felt like hours. It was a challenge on her part, a warning someone could say. Or maybe it was just her frustration about the whole situation. Didn't Rafael see that no matter the method, her approach was better? That she was giving him the autonomy he so desperately desired. Josie was right, toxic masculinity was exactly what this whole situation was, and it was a double-edged sword.

When she finally turned away from Jed, she knew he was watching her wondering what he did wrong? Because it couldn't possibly be his fault. It was never his fault.


Random but the song What's Up Danger from the Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Soundtrack reminds me of Hope.

Also here's some shameless self-promo: I made an Instagram!! @lightthesun.wp! For more updates on Celia's story and more details about upcoming stories check it out!

Anyway so glad I can keep sharing Celia's story with you! Keep voting, commenting, and sharing I really appreciate it!

Much love,


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