"Soccer! Really! That's like my favorite sport!"

"It may be your favorite but it's not mine!" Emily wrinkled her nose up in disgust.

I couldn't believe that she didn't like soccer! I mean, it's like the best sport ever! I would definitely have to see if I could find them but first I wanted to test out my powers. I wanted to know what I was capable of doing. I needed to find a secluded spot.

"Hey, Emily, where's that soccer game?"

"Over by the old school building."

"There's an old school building?"

"Yeah it's pretty much just an old run down building, no one goes there except to play soccer and that's in the soccer field in front of it."

"Can you point me in the right direction?" I asked with more enthusiasm than was necessary.

Emily sighed, "Just go down fifth street and take a left on twefth. The noise will guide you the rest of the way."

"Thanks Emily!"

I rushed off before she had a chance to say anything else. I had just passed the house I was staying in when I remembered something. My uniform! I turned around and headed to the house. I ran up the stairs and to my room. I hurriedly changed into a t-shirt and some jeans and put on black tennis shoes.

Soon I was back down the stairs and on my way to find that old school building. I felt much better running around in normal clothes. People would probably think I was nuts if I ran around decked out in my full combat gear.

Shortly after turning onto twelfth street I could here the shouts and cheers of the game. I followed my ear and soon the game came into view. The soccer field was bigger than I thought it would be. There were no bleachers but quite a few people were standing around the field cheering the players on.

It looked like the game was in full swing and I saw that Tim and Charles were on the same team and seemed to be the star players. I watched as they expertly dribbled down the field passing back and forth to each other and finally Charles took a shot at the goal. The ball whizzed past the goal keepers outstretched and and the crowd cheered wildly. I wanted to play but I had other things to do.

I hurried by not wanting to be seen and having to join them. I was now behind the school and the cheers were slightly muffled. The school itself was a smaller one and I could just make out some faded lettering above the broken down door that said Dupree Junior High.

The school looked like it hadn't been used in a long time. Where the few windows had been there were now pieces of plywood, probably to prevent vandalism. I stepped up to the door and turned the handle. It was locked. Great, now what?

I took a step back and kicked at the handle. It didn't budge and I resorted to slamming into the door with my shoulder. The noise of the soccer game drowned out all of my banging. Finally I back up and charged at the door with all my might.

The door flew open and I stumbled in, tripping and falling hard on the floor. I coughed as the dust swirled around looking for a place to settle. Slowly I picked myself up and looked around. I was in a small room that appeared to be a small library.

A broken desk and chair sat in one corner and the walls were lined with shelves of books. Groups of tables and chairs were scattered throughout the room almost every single one of them was broken and they were all covered in dust. I found the door to get out of the room and headed that way.

The whole place had a musty smell to it and it was eerily quiet as I walked down the hall. The walls were bare and had faded from their original color to an ugly brown. I passed several doors each one having a label above it telling what it was used for. Finally at the end of the hall were two double doors with the word GYM written above them.

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