Siddharth's POV:
We all ate fruit and sat for like 5 minutes. Then we headed down to the beach, the guys carried down the towels and stuff. The girls ran to the water screaming.

Girls: WOO HOO!!!
Jai: What the heck was that?
Bhavesh: Girls are like that...
Sidd: Especially the ones named Avneet, Raina, and Pari!😂😂

We laid everything down and headed to the water with them. We all had the most amazing time. I saw Avi staring at me, so when they were busy I pulled her over to the side.

Avi: Abs What are you doing!?
Sidd: I was just- wait what did you call me?
Avi: I- um- I said Bandar what are you doing!?
Sidd: 😂😂😂 so you were staring at my abs?
Avi: n-no...
Sidd: Then why are you stuttering Jaan 😂😏
Avi: um ☺️☺️
Sidd: guess what?
Avi: What?

I picked her up, bridal style... and then threw her into the water. She got up and ran over to me but I got out of the water and she chased me around the beach.


I saw that Pari also got out of the water and starting chasing me. Then Raina came out and chased me too!

Jais pov:
The girls were chasing Siddharth around the beach. It was funny to be honest!

Jai: Should we help him? 😂
Bhavesh: Nah, let him suffer!

Sidd ran over to us and grabbed our hands so he was dragging us along with him. We ran while the girls chased us. 😂
Soon we were all out of breathe. We laid down on the sand and couldn't stop laughing.

Avi: What was that?! 😂
Sidd: You girls being maniacs! 😂
Pari: You called me a bhoot!
Sidd: Anushka sharma was a bhoot in the movie Pari, so...😂

It was around 4pm. We all gathered around in a circle and were just talking.

Paris POV:

Avi: Sidd can you go get drinks for everyone?
Sidd: I'm bringing beer for everyone.
Jaina and bhaval: Done!

Sidd left to get beer bottles for everyone from the beach bar. We all got up and stretched, suddenly I heard someone.


The voice seemed familiar to me. I looked around everyone and then I saw him. I ran over and he ran towards me. I hugged him!

Pari: Omg where have you been?
Guy: I should be asking you that! I came back to Baltimore, but you weren't there anymore!
Pari: Well I actually moved to Mumbai!
Guy: no wonder you hung up on me like a few months ago! Where were you?
Pari: Hospital... for a friend.
Guy: Oh! So, Why are you in Hawaii?
Pari: im just here with my friends on a vacation.

Bhavesh, Jai, Raina, And Avi walked over to us.

Guy: Oh hey guys!
Everyone: hey!
Guy: Hey Raina!
Raina: Hey!
Guy: haven't seen you in a while.. like 7th grade 😂
Raina: well you did move... so 😂

Soon he went over to Avi. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Guy: and who's this beautiful lady?

I wanted to say something but it was too funny so I stayed quiet... I saw Sidd coming over. He took her hand out of his.

Sidd: She's married.
Guy: oh crap! Sorry 😂
Pari: Come on Luciano, atleast don't flirt with my friends for once 😂
Luciano: I will tackle you again! This time at the beach, last time it was at your house.
Pari: You can't even touch me anymore! 😂

I walked over to Bhavesh and held his hand.

Luciano: Omg my best friend got a boyfriend! Wow never thought that would happen!
Pari: Yeah well I'm not like you, I don't change girlfriends every week 😂

Everyone gasped.

Pari: guys I'm kidding 😂
Avi: Oh I was about to say 😂
Jai: he reminds me of someone...
Pari: It's probably cause of his player personality... he's like tj but wayyyy nicer!
Luciano: Tj?
Pari: long story, a lot happened after you left.. and after I left..
Luciano: did anyone hurt you?
Pari: Okay this isn't middle school anymore, you can't just go up to someone and threaten to punch them cause they mess with me.. plus he's in jail now.
Luciano: Well Actually you can-
Luciano: damn okay! 😂 well introduce me to everyone!
Pari: Guys So this is Luciano. My childhood best friend, like a older brother to me. He's like sidd but much more annoying. 😂
Sidd: I annoy you?!😂😂
Pari: Um duh! You're my bhai! 😂😂😂
Avi: Yeah So Sidd, she also has full rights to annoy you too... 😂
Sidd: She does it 24/7 😂
Pari: anyways! Luciano, this is Raina SINGH, then Jaijeet Singh.. Raina's fiancé. Then this is Avneet Kaur- I mean Nigam, and her husband Siddharth Nigam. Then this is Bhavesh Balchandani, my fiancé.
Luciano: I'm Luciano, forever alone 😂
Raina: with your player personality... I'm sure you're gonna stay alone! 😂
Luciano: Ha-ha... I changed! That's a lie... but anyways, your names sound familiar.
Pari: What how?
Luciano: Andrew would tell me about your weird things you did and-
Luciano: So how did famous people like you become friends with idiots like her?
Bhavesh: I met her through Avi and Sidd.
Jai: we moved to her community to complete high school thinking that nobody would recognize us... but it didn't work out.
Raina: Well I mean of course it didn't... you know my reaction when I first found out!! 😂
Jai: Yeah you fainted! On call! 😂
Luciano: 😂😂 well because of you guys, these two girls have become Instagram famous! 😂
Raina: Yeahh!!! 😂
Pari: Almost at a million Dude!
Luciano: Yeah well it was nice meeting you guys. Pari stay in touch, I have to go now. Sisters are probably looking for me. Bye!
Everyone: Bye!

Siddharth's POV:
Luciano left. I gave everyone their bottle of beer and we relaxed the rest of the time at the beach. I brought a blanket for me and Avi to cuddle in, we looked at the stars at night. It was amazing!
We only have 3 more days here.. then we are back to Mumbai!

In Mumbai...
Sonia's pov:
Yesterday Jai told me that he proposed to Raina and I was so happy! It was great, Raina is amazing and I would love to have her as a part of the family. I decided to go to Veena's house with sweets.

Veena: Oh Sonia! Come in!
Sonia: here have some sweets! Jai proposed to Raina!
Veena: wow that's great news!
Sonia: Yes! Our kids are finally settled. Avi and Sidd are married, Jai is going to get married to Raina and your son Bhavesh is getting married to Pari!
Veena: That gives me a idea! What if we have both kids wedding functions together?! But the main weddings will be separated, however they want.
Sonia: Thats Perfect! I'll tell them when they get back from Hawaii.
Veena: Yeah I'll talk to them too!

Hey guys! How's the chapter?❤️
Hope you liked it!

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