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You're only a weakness

Stop getting in the way

You're not suited for any of these anymore

Can't you see

Just stop dreaming already

"We don't need you."

* * *

"Mr. Boboiboy," the teacher called, a stack of papers in his hands as the classroom was veiled in ominous silence. The sun from outside shone into the classroom through the crystal-like window panels, light lying on the students' desks like an intangible layer.

The students craned their head towards the named student, searching for his familiar bush of brown hair and infamous albino streak. The said teen pursed his lip, his hands firm by his sides as he stood, the chair rattling as it was pushed backwards, the piece of plastic furniture barely colliding with the table that belonged to another student that resided behind him.

He rose to his full height—which wasn't, to be honest, the slightest bit admirable—and lifted his feet, heading towards his teacher as the class's combined eyes stared him down, as if he was heading towards a trip of no return.

As the teacher's gaze fell on the short brunet, the final paper in his hand was given, the fragile piece of parchment bending under the gentle pressure of his thumb.

His stern expression melted into a faint smile, and he handed the report towards the young teen in pride. Corresponding to his mentor's kind smile, Boboiboy's lips lifted in an arch, eyes brightening as he read the results after accepting his report card.

Guess all that hard work paid off.

* * *

We have to find him

He's the only one who can use this

Where should we start

Kuala Lumpur

* * *

"We can't find him among so many humans!" Fang exclaimed, wasting no time attracting attention towards him. However, despite the flowing crowds of humans, not much paid him much of a thought.

The scorching sun basked them in heat and glow, their clothing visible ill-suited for busy city streets. Crowds of people littered the street, pavement and crossing roads, making it nearly impossible for one to slow down.

They walked down the pavement, an array of colourful shops passing by their left. The road was busy with traffic on the right, with no rails to stop anyone from falling onto the lion's mouth, yet no one seemed alarmed as they continued to proceed with their strolls of urgency or staring at their devices.

Silence was a partner in their life, something they were used to, but the city? It was busy, it was noisy, but it was cold. Even back home or at the station, no words were exchanged but the atmosphere was warm and familiar. The city was bursting with words and people, but there was simply no life.

The people there were surviving; not living.

With every step, Ying began to shrink. Her hands unknowingly were pressed by her sides rightly, her back stiff and straight, feet light on the ground with each step. Everyone around them acted as if they were judging her every move. Anxiety seeped into her stomach as her fingers clenched, as if every little detail gained the humiliation of being the odd one out.

She hated the city.

Soon they decided that their combat attire was attracting too much attention. Everywhere they went, gazes were cast their way and unheard whispers amongst strangers were noticed. They were standing out from the crowd, which would make their conquest easier or harder, considering that the person they were looking for had been damaged emotionally by them before. They just weren't sure to what extent.

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