chapter 2:

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Sonic pov.
Me and amy were on a date in a cafe.
"Oh sonic, I'm glad you gave up your gayness for us" She said.
"Yeah" I said.
I only did it to be a good friend but I wanted to break up with her last week but she cried and tried to kill me with her hammer.
"It's not like you want guys, your happier with me" She said.
I went to the restroom and went into one of the stalls. I pulled out my phone and I had 3 messages from scourge.

From scourge:
Hey Baby, I miss you
Are you with that pink bitch with you?

Hey scourge I'm with amy right now

I sent and immediately he responded.

Can you come to my house baby?

What about amy?

Sneak out of the cafe, I'll be waiting 😘

I walked around the table I was outside so I ran to scourge's house. I knocked on the door and he immediately opened it.
"Hey sexy" he said with a smirk.

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