Chapter Nine

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"OkAY whAT DO YoU waNt TO kNow?" He asked, getting straight to the point. "what about the question Fresh asked earlier?" Paperjam asked, Erratum sighed, knowing he had some explaining to do, "tHey LoOk sImILar BeCaUSE ThEY ARe YOu" He stated.

Paperjam laughed, "God, that's funny!" He exclaimed, his shoulders shaking. Erratum gave him an unimpressed look, though he himself seemed amused as well. Undyne spoke up, "yeah, stop joking though, can you answer?" She asked, Erratum looked to his side, lost in thought, then shook his head, "Go TO luNCh CHIldReN, MaYbe you'lL fIguRe OuT ThE TrUtH yOuRSElf" He told them. All of them could hear 'Of course not' behind his words. Undyne's shoulders slumped, but didn't argue.

A few hours later, the students met up at the park, "Geez, what are we going to do now?" Paperjam asked, Undyne shrugged, "i don't know... we literally made his mood worse! did you see him later on in the day!" Killer nodded, "yeah, his shoulders looked like they were carrying stones!" He exclaimed.

Paperjam sighed, "so we got nowhere..." He told truthfully, Dust, who had been oddly silent, spoke up, "y'know what Mr. Erratum said, about them being us? what if he was telling the truth?" Dust questioned, flushing instantly as the others laughed. 

Undyne deadpanned at him, "Really dust? i thought you were smarter than that," She groaned, Dust shrugged, and muttered, "I don't know, it was just a suggestion..." He went silent, not wanting to say anymore. 

"Well, why don't we look up these people? we might find something, we could talk to them maybe" Fresh suggested, Alphys nodded, "t-thats a good idea! though.. i- i doubt we co- could talk t-to them... Mr. Er- Erratum said they were dead" Paperjam jumped up from his seat, "Great! let's go now!" he cheered.

Error waited in front of the cafe called the busy beans. He was waiting for Erratum to arrive. His sons were both hanging out with their friends, so he wasn't too worried about them. Suddenly, he heard his name being shouted out, "Hey Erratum! i was worried you weren't going to make it" Error admitted.

Erratum shrugged, "SorRy I ToOK aWhiLE, i GoT A bit lOSt" Erratum explained, Error nodded, "No problem at all, i don't mind waiting for you" Error told him, Erratum smiled, "oKAy WheRe ARe WE GoINg?" he asked. Error replied, "i was thinking we could get more coffee, since you seem to like it so much, and then go to the movies?" Error said, although, it sounded more like a question, "ThAt souNds fUn... wHAT arE tHe mOVIes?" Erratum inquired after slight hesitation. 

Error sighed, used to explaining things, and replied, "you'll see when we get there" He told him, Erratum nodded, "OkAy, lEts GEt SOme cofFEe" And then they entered the coffee shop.

After getting their usual coffee, they headed off to the cinema. Erratum was in awe when he saw the massive structure, finding it hard to believe something like that could be built without magic. They entered the large building and paid for something called 'The hanging knife' "I hope your okay with a bit of blood, it was the only interesting one going on at the moment" Error told him, Erratum shrugged, "I'lL BE fiNE" He replied quickly, Error grinned, "Good!".

After the movie, Error was a frightened mess, hanging on to Erratum like a life-line, "i thOUgHt YOu ENJoyeD horRor MOVIEs?" Erratum asked in amusement. Error made a halfhearted glare, "I didn't think it be that scary- EEK!" Error screeched in fear, but he quickly calmed down after seeing that what he thought was a man drenched in blood was actually a man who was wearing a lot of red clothes. Erratum laughed at him, "YouR REaLly fReAkeD Out aReN't yOU?" He asked, Error shook his head, "N-no! i'm just..." He trailed of, not knowing a good excuse, Erratum shook his head, grinning, "CoMe ON, I ThoUgHt We Were goInG SoMEWHeRE?" He asked, Error nodded, "Yeah... just give me-...okay maybe we should just head home..." He stated.

The students headed off to the librarby, "Someone really needs to fix that sign" Killer commented, Undyne nodded, "yeah, what's a librarby?" She asked, Paperjam shrugged, "i don't know, you should ask Alphys, i'm sure she'd know" He replied, Dust opened the door to the librarby, "Come on, i'm sure there's a computer somewhere in here" he told them.

once they entered, It wasn't that hard to find a computer. All they did was ask the librarian, or the librarbian if you will, if there was one, and where it was. One they found it, they quickly looked up all the names, but found nothing. 

"Why should we believe Mr. Erratum that they have the same names as you guys, there's nothing here!" Paperjam exclaimed, Dust quickly made a counterargument, "Mr. Erratum has no reason to lie about this... and he doesn't seem like the kind of person to lie anyway..." He defended him, Paperjam scoffed slightly, "yeah, says the one who actually believed the whole 'they look similar because they are you!' like seriously!" Paperjam mocked, Undyne spoke up, "Calm down PJ" she told him, he sighed, "...sorry Dust" He muttered, Dust only nodded.

It was getting late, so the students decided to head home, Paperjam entered his house and saw His brother, "hi Gradient, where's dad?" He asked, "Over there," He pointed into the living room, then ran upstairs, most likely to his room. Paperjam headed into the living room, and then was greeted with a surprising sight.

"Mr. Erratum? why are you here?... and... why is my dad in your lap?" Paperjam asked, looking at his teacher and his father, who looked like he was going to throw up, "YOur FaTheR gOt RaThEr SiCK fROm wATchiNg a HOrroR MoVie... DO yOu HAPPEN To kNow whY?" Erratum asked, Paperjam nodded, "yeah, my father can't stand the sight of blood, but refuses to accept it because apparently 'men aren't supposed to fear small things such as blood' " Paperjam responded, mocking his father's voice.

Erratum nodded understandingly, "tHaNk yOu fOR TELliNg me ThAT PapeRjam" Erratum said, Paperjam nodded, "Sure, your welcomed to stay as long as you like" Erratum only nodded.

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