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When Eddie woke up the next morning, the first thing that registered in his mind was pain. His head was throbbing and his knees hurt really bad. He sat up and realized he was alone in Bill's room, before looking at his knees and seeing scratches all over them.

He remembered the events of the night before, but it all felt fake; as if it was a dream that he couldn't place. The only tell that it actually happened was the scratches and his memories.

He clumsily got out of bed, feeling weak, and walking to the bathroom. Once he had washed his hands, he looked in the mirror and his eyes widened. He was a mess. His hair was gross and sweaty, his eyes were bloodshot and he had a cut on his lip that he didn't remember getting.

"Eddie?!" someone called frantically from somewhere in the house.

Eddie walked out of the bathroom to see Stan and Bill standing at the top of the stairs.

"What's going on?" Eddie asked groggily, his head pounding.

"We didn't know where you went. Richie wants us to keep an eye on you since you're recovering," Stan said, walking forward to help Eddie back to Bill's room.

Eddie usually would've gone with it and let them help him. However, for some reason, he was pissed off.

"I'm fine," he hissed, tugging his arm away from Stan.

"Eddie you w-went through a tr-traumatic experience. Y-you need to r-rest," Bill said, clearly worried for Eddie.

"No, I'm fine. I'm not sick and I'm not traumatized," he stated, brushing past the two and walking downstairs.

"Come on, Eddie! We're trying to help you," Stan called following him down the stairs.

"I don't need help, Stan! I'm fine! I'm sick of being your fucking charity case, okay?! All I ever do is get hurt and you guys have to pick up the pieces! I'm not helpless and I don't want to be this group's non functioning member!"

Eddie was yelling at that point, shocking Stan and Bill. They had only ever heard him yell at Richie when they were trying to help him. That was out of fear, though. At that moment, all they could see radiating off of Eddie was anger.

"Eddie, you need to calm down. I get you're upset, but you need-"

"Don't tell me what I fucking need! My entire life has been controlled for me and I never get to make a decision! Don't worry, I won't be a problem anymore," Eddie hissed, walking to the front door.

He slammed it closed behind him, running down the street before Stan or Bill could stop him.

"Wh-what do we d-do?" Bill asked Stan, watching as Eddie sprinted away.

"Honestly? Let him have some time alone. He'll come back, he just needs to let everything process," Stan said, wrapping an arm around Bill's waist.

"R-Richie's going to k-kill us," Bill said in a nervous voice.

"No he won't. Eddie is learning what it's like to live and constantly interacting with people. He's also sixteen, Bill. He may not know a lot, but he knocked out Henry Bowers and he's smart. I think just all of the stress got to him and he lost it a little. He just needs to relax."

"What if h-he gets i-into trouble?"

"He's going to be fine. He's right; he's not a charity case. He's our friend and needs time to himself and needs to be away from the house for a while."

Bill didn't seem convinced but knew he couldn't do much to change Stan's mind. He knew that Stan was right deep down, but he didn't want to believe it.


Richie had no clue that Eddie had taken off. He was currently at home with his mother and father, trying to have a decent family breakfast. So far, it seemed to be going well. His mom had been in a good mood the whole time, and surprisingly, so had his father.

They all were talking between bites of pancake, and Richie was shocked that his father was actually asking about his life.

"Where have you been for the past few days?" Wentworth asked. It wasn't the evil, menacing tone he usually had either; he was genuinely interested in what Richie had been doing.

"I've been at Bill's. We're trying to help Eddie out between all of his appointments and adjusting to the real world," Richie answered, stabbing a piece of fruit with his fork.

Maggie had told Wentworth all about Eddie and his situation, as Richie had filled her in when he visited her.

"And you're here instead of with the kid?" Wentworth asked, slightly confused.

"He's with Bill and Stan. He's fine, dad." Richie had really missed calling Wentworth "dad." It made him feel like his family truly was repairing itself.

"I'd like to meet him. He seems like a good influence on you, Rich."

Maggie smiled in agreement, knowing how sweet and good Eddie was to their son.

"Yeah, maybe some other time when he's not preparing for an upcoming court case and going to counseling every week," Richie said with a chuckle.

Wentworth laughed along with him, while Maggie rolled her eyes playfully.

"He seems like he's a good friend," Wentworth said, standing up and taking their plates to the sink. He had been more helpful ever since Richie had told him he was the reason for Maggie's depression and since she returned.

Maggie and Richie shared a knowing look. Eddie was definitely more than a friend, and Richie knew he needed to tell his dad that at some point.

"Dad?" Richie called from the table, earning Wentworth's attention.

"Yes?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed.

Richie looked at Maggie again before standing up. "I'm gonna go to Bill's and check on Eddie. Uh, I'll see you guys tonight?" he said, chickening out the last minute with his revelation.

"You can stay at Bill's as long as Eddie needs you there, sweetie. Just call us, okay?" Maggie said, knowing Richie's fear.

"Gotcha," Richie said with a wink, hugging his mom before turning to leave. Before he did, however, he ran over to his dad and hugged him tight, smiling when he was hugged back.

Richie had missed his family.

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