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Julia:bye Jay, I love you
Jayden:love you too, lia
I roll my eyes as she drives away
Jack:come inside, Lia
Oh. My. God.
I walk inside after him and up to my room.
I change into sweats and a tank top and walk back down. I sit on the couch and watch Corbyn and Zach play against each other in fortnite
2 days later
Daniel:We're baaaaaacccckkkk!
We turn around to look at them and them we turn back to the tv.
I get up
Julia:I'm kidding
I hug them both
Julia:I missed you because these two were driving me insane
Julia:not you, Those two
I said pointing to Jack and Zach
My phone dings
Julia:Jachary, Corbyn, Jayden said if you wanna go to the beach
Julia:go change
Daniel:we just go here, and now you're leaving
Zach:Jayden is cooler than you
Julia:not cooler, just more like you

The Assistant - Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now