I don't care

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~My P.O.V~

Lucy wakes up and goes to take a shower. She gets dressed in this

And her hair is in a side ponytail with a black bow on it, and her lips have a coat of glossy lip gloss on

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And her hair is in a side ponytail with a black bow on it, and her lips have a coat of glossy lip gloss on. She goes out and gets her motorcycle and starts up the engine. Then she heads to school. She parks her bike out front and goes to her first class and sits in her seat. Only Natsu gang is there so far. They are all ready to get their revenge on her. She beat them up and had the nerve to act like she didn't remember. " Hey blondie " Loke said. She rolled her eyes. " Yes how can I help you? " She asked in a sweet voice with a smile. He cracked his knuckles. " You want me to break your hand too? " She asked confused.He threw a punch but she caught and kept a good grip on it. " You sure you want me to break your hand, it hurts a lot. " She said. " Ask your friend over there " She added pointing to Gray. " Ha ha very funny " He said sarcastically. " Look, can we do this little thing where you 'get revenge' another day? I'm tired
" She said with a yawn. Then the bell rings and then gildarts and the rest of the class walks in. Lucy let's go of loke hand and places her head down gently. Lucy falls asleep, gildarts usually yells at students who don't pay attention in class but he let Lucy slide because what she could do to him terrified him, and that's really hard to do. The bell rings and students leave the class, except Lucy, who was still sleeping. Gray gets and idea. Since he couldn't beat her up, he'll draw on her face with red marker. He slowly moves the marker closer to her face. Lucy grabbed his hands and her eyes open. " Watch it, that might be the color oozing out if your face " She said in a scary, dark voice. It made gray shiver a little because it was kinda similar to how Erza would scold them.  She gets up and walked away from them to the roof top. She let's out a sigh. " Mom... " She said lowly.

~After school~

Lucy got on her bike. She sees a little girl about to cross the street when a car was coming. Lucy goes really fast and blocks the little girl. The car comes by really fast. " Be careful, you might die out here " She said before starting up the engine and driving off as fast as she can.

~At Lucy house~

Lucy opens the door and sees that the windows had been tampered with, like someone was trying to get inside. Or, was inside. She shook off the feeling and took a hot shower then gets dressed in her underwear and a very large t-shirt. It used to belong to her father. She still keeps it even after everything that happened.


" Lucile! What the hell is this?! " Her step mom yelled and slapped her. Lucy stumbled back a little but didn't fall. She clenched her hands. The one rule, never hurt Emiko. That one rule placed by her father. " I told you to make good food! This is disgusting " She yelled again. Actually, the food tasted amazing, but Emiko didn't want to admit that someone had made food way better than her. Her father came down, in his favorite t-shirt. " Lucile. why can't you do anything right? " He asked with disappointment in his voice. The two continued to tell her how stupid and slutty she is

~End of Flashback~

Lucy sits down at her desk and behind writing.

Dear mom, today was my second day at Fiore high. It was really boring. And that Raven hair boy friend. He tried to pinch me. And then the Raven haired boy tried to draw on my face with red marker. But I woke up and stopped him.

Sincerely, Lucy, your daughter

She put it inside the envelope and then she puts it into the box where the other letters are. She gets into her bed and falls asleep. He lets out a huge sigh. " Finally " He said. He comes out of her closet, then goes to the box with all the letters. The dates are written on all the envelopes. He looks at them. " These date all the way back nine years! Why didn't she mail them?! " He whisper yelled to himself. " Because I can't " She said sitting up. He froze and turned around. " What do you want? Why are you so interested in what I did? " She asked.
" Guess you already know who I am " He shrugged and took off his hat, and his pink hair spiked out in all directions. " Because, you seem too innocent, most of the girls here don't act like there lived are perfect, but you go around all happy " He said. Lucy rolled her eyes. " I naturally have a happy personality " She said.
" I'll beat you " He said. " Good luck trying " She said with a small yawn.

Maybe attacking her was the wrong way to handle it. He thought. " Im not a kind person, I'll find someone close to you, and I'll torture them, making your life... " He said while walking close to her, until he was close enough to lean his face to his ear. " Hell " He said in a husky voice. " I don't care, do whatever you want, but I don't care " She said. " I don't have anyone to care about like that, so you'll have to find another way " She said. She crawls under her covers and goes back to sleep. Natsu sighs and leaves her house, a but annoyed that he didn't find out about any of Lucy's secrets, which was the whole reason he came to her house in the first place. Lucy had this weird feeling that something was happening to her precious bike. She gets up quickly and ran outside.
" Shit! That son of a bitch! " She exclaimed angrily.

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