"I wouldn't be so sure about that, men can be quite gross"

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"Blair?" Brenn asked in a tired voice as the two woman pulled away from each other.

"Hey Brenny, sleep well?" Blair asked as she looked over at her sister and Allison wiped her eyes.

"Mhm, hi Allison" Brenn said as Allison gave her a smile and a wave.

"Cereal or oatmeal?" Blair asked as she walked to the kitchen.

"Cereal" Brenn said as she sat at the table.

"I should go, i'll see you soon okay?" Allison said as she stood up .

"Wait!" Blair called out as Allison spun around.

"Hey, how would you feel about Ms.Stella and her daughter coming over for a couple hours?" Blair asked Brenn as her face lit up.

"Really? I thought you said you didn't like them?" Brenn asked as she smiled widely.

"Yeah I don't but I'm gonna go out with Allison for a bit. That okay?" Blair asked as Brenn hugged her sister.

"Yes" she squealed as Allison gave Blair one last smile as she did back.

"She's adorable" Blair told Allison as they stood at a shopping cart, looking through magazines .

"I can't believe he would say they are doing fine. What kind of daughter could be fine without her Mother?" Allison asked as she threw the magazine back on the cart.

"He's just trying to make this harder for you, you can't let it get to you" Blair told the taller woman, until the two heard a voice.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Vanya asked confused as she walked over toward them.

"Hey, I was looking for you. I um, I wanted to be the one to tell you about Mom" Allison said sadly .

"Hi Vanya" Blair said to her as the brunette gave her a small smile before looking back at her sister.

"What? She okay?" Vanya asked Allison.

"Vanya she's- she's gone" Allison said sadly as Blair looked away.

"I thought we were gonna wait a bit?" Vanya asked after a few seconds of silence, probably so she could take it all in.

"It was those guys last night, they killed her. We found her this morning" Allison said to her.

"I'm so sorry" Blair said, giving Vanya's arm a small squeeze .

"And last night, what I said-" Allison began but her sister quickly cut her sentence short.

"No, no don't worry about it" she shook her head as it feel to silence for a moment.

"Oh, I have your keys" Allison said, handing Vanya the keys.

"Did you know we only live a few doors down?" Blair asked the girl with a grin.

"What? No no I had no idea. Why do you have my keys?" Vanya asked, looking toward Blair then toward Allison.

"It's a long story. Do you wanna get a drink with us?" Allison asked as she pointed between herself and Blair.

𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃| The Umbrella AcademyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora