meeting the new girl

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tony- hi carol welcome to the avengers

carol: thx tony

tony- yea anytime

carol- :)

thor- hello beautiful 

carol- do i know u

thor- im the dude u have been dming for a while

carol- oh hiiii

thor- wanna go out on a date tonight

carol- im sorrry thor but can we just go as friends


carol- cuz i dont think of u like that :/

thor- oh...

carol- im so sorry

nat- well hello

carol- hi im carol

nat- ik thor sent me the link to ur ig

carol- oh ummm its not as good as urs

nat- u have 3mil followers so id say ur getting there

carol- thx ur really sweet

nat- i can tell we gona get along well being the only girls on the team :D

carol- yeah 

tony- yall can be a dynamic duo 

nat- lol yeah what do u think of that carol

carol- yea i can already see it on the news : nat and carol the unexpected duo

nat- omg im laughing so hard

carol- =D 

nat- r u in the living room

carol- yea

nat- stay there ill give u a tour

carol- really thx

nat- np 

tony- have fun with her shes a downer carol

nat- am not 

tony- yea u r


tony- wtf

clint- isaidyeeeeet


nat- cmon carol lets get going

carol- ya

to be continued 

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