"Sweet and Sour."

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Yan Ya Jing and Mr. Gao also were on a natural high. Their love flourished every day. Before long, they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend.
Mr. Gao even introduced her to his parents, which was something he rarely did with his past relationships, but felt that it was important to do with Yan Ya Jing. His feelings for her grew into something wonderful. He knew that she was the one. His parents immediately fell in love with Yan Ya Jing, especially his mother.
There were times Gao would just stare at her, gaze upon her beautiful face and be thankful that he had found her. He loved every inch of her skin. She fulfilled him entirely just by being with him.
They were happy together.
Yan Ya Jing and Gao knew that sex was a very important part of a relationship, but they agreed to wait for a while. There had been times when they kissed, the passion burned like lava, but they had full control over themselves.
Yan Ya Jing fell more and more in love with this man every day. His family were gentle and kind; and she knew where he got most of his manners. His mother and father were simple, but well rounded people.
After leaving from Gao's parents home though, he drove Yan Ya Jing to the Yulong river. They rode on a bamboo raft, holding hands, as they watched the sun set in the distance. Peaceful villagers and their children waved at them as they passed, onwards towards a six hundred year old bridge that stood the test of time. 

Gu Yang was aggravated. He flipped through some papers hurriedly and then slammed his fist onto his desk. Business wasn't going too well. The money he had borrowed from his cousin was depleting, and fast.
He logged into his computer and checked his balance. Not only was he in debt, he was also a wanted man. The chinese mafia wanted their money back, and with interest. The money he had borrowed from Gu Hai was to pay back what he owed, but after trying to get his company back on track, he had just ended up with more money problems.
He frantically scratched his head, irritated, and pulled out his phone. Paranoia had set in. He swore that a black SUV had been following him yesterday. Also, he had been getting calls from different men with unknown phone numbers.
He cursed himself for dealing with those devils. Never in all his years did he think he would ever have dealings with those type of people. Yes, he knew that they were dangerous, but he had figured that he made enough money to pay them back. It had been a setback when his business hit a bump in the road.
One of his clients had went bankrupt, losing all of his money and costing him millions. Problems only got worse when his investors pulled out from future deals. To try and get back on track, he had no choice but to get involved with the mafia. He knew it was like getting in bed with the devil, but he had did it anyway, despite his better judgment.
Now, he was in too deep. He didn't bother asking Gu Hai for more money, that would only arise suspicion. And Gu Hai wasn't stupid, he would definitely ask questions.
His cell phone rang and he jumped. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he looked at another 'unknown' call on the screen.
He answered.
"Gu Yang, I don't appreciate unanswered calls." Came a voice he had never heard before.
Gu Yang swallowed hard. His throat was suddenly dry. "I'm sorry, I was a bit busy. But don't worry, tell your boss that I'll get his money soon."
The voice on the other end laughed. Then there was silence. "I am the boss."

Gu Yang had no choice. He met with the mystery man on the phone claiming to be the head boss.
The thing with mafia men was, they liked to meet in the darkest corners of the world. Places you'd never go. Maybe it was because if the bad guys had to make a move, no one would hear you scream.
Gu Yang got out of his car. A black SUV was parked off to the side, near the waterfront, with its headlights turned off. In the distance, large shipping containers were stacked onto each other. There was even a huge ship, docked at the pier.
Gu Yang walked towards the vehicle, his knees shaking and his heart raced. As he got closer, the driver exited the vehicle and opened the back door.
A tall, well dressed, man stepped out and straightened his suit. He glanced at Gu Yang with dark beady eyes and smiled.
The smile itself resembled a snake.
Gu Yang was nervous. What if this man was planning to kill him? He thought.
"Mr. Yang, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said and extended his hand.
Gu Yang didn't hesitate, he shook it firmly. He didn't want to seem weak. He put on his fiercest face. "Nice to meet you, sir." He said, trying not to sound too unsettled.
"Please, call me Fang." He said and squeezed Gu Yang's hand the same way.
"Mr. Fang, please give me more time. I promise you, you'll get back your money with interest." Gu Yang assured.
Fang waved a hand in the air dismissively. "I'm sure that you'll pay everything back. Don't worry too much about it."
Gu Yang could tell that Fang was a very powerful man just by standing in his presence. His dark eyes matched his hair as well as his clothing. Everything was black about him, even his aura.
"Here is what's going to happen." Fang said, clasping his hands together as if he were about to pray. "We are going to need you to do us some small favors to make up for the inconsistency you've provided lately."
Gu Yang's eyes widened. "What kind of favors?" He asked.
When the mafia asked you to do favors for them in the movies, it was never a good sign.
Fang chuckled. Even though his eyes were dark with bad intentions, they seem to grow even darker than black.
"When the time comes, I'll call you for a big favor after the few small ones, until then, let's try to become friends." He said, throwing his arm around Gu Yang's shoulder and neck and pulling him into one of those you-are-my-new-buddy hugs.
Gu Yang nervously smiled and continued to listen.
"As for the money you owe, I'll extend it a few months, so you can catch up." Fang said. "How about having a meal with me? Let's get to know each other better."
Gu Yang didn't like the sound of anything that was coming out of this man's mouth. He glanced over towards the heavy set man standing near the vehicle. He knew that he was a bodyguard. A big, very muscular, bodyguard at that, who was probably carrying a concealed weapon in the waist of his pants or inner coat pocket.
Gu Yang nodded. He felt as if he had no choice. Declining Fang's invitation might offend him. And he didn't want to start off on the wrong foot with these people, he owed them a lot of money.

Fang offered to drive to the restaurant, leaving behind Gu Yang's car. When they arrived, everyone seemed on edge. The entire establishment and its staff seemed to be moving about with great caution.
The waiter that took their order was extra pleasant and did his best to bring their food out as quickly as possible. When they began to eat, Fang started conversation.
"Do you understand that the favors we will ask of you must be done with great care?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink.
Gu Yang nodded. He noticed that several more bodyguards had taken up posts around their table and at the front and back doors.
"My favors will start out small, so no need to worry about losing time off from work or anything silly like that." Fang said casually.
"Thank you." Gu Yang said.
Halfway through dinner, a commotion was heard near the back doors. One of the bodyguards held a man by the collar and was dragging him towards where they sat.
Gu Yang tensed. His body stiffened and he started to sweat.
The bodyguard approached the table and dropped the man to his knees as if he were a bag of potatoes. Blood coated his neck and arms and there were blue and black bruises on his face.
"Please, please don't do this." The man begged, holding his trembling hands up in front of his swollen face. Tears streamed down his face and had mixed with his blood. His nose ran uncontrollably as he fought to speak.
Gu Yang's heartbeat sped up.
Fang continued to chew his food. When he swallowed, he let out a heavy sigh.
"See what you've done," he said, "you've upset my dinner guest."
Gu Yang jerked his head in Fang's direction and shook his head. "It's ok." He said, trying to sound calm. But something deep down inside knew the truth. The scene before him was about to go very bad. He felt it in his bones. He knew there was nothing that he could do or say to change the outcome.
Fang's pupils turned ice cold. He ignored Gu Yang's statement and slowly rose from the table. He walked around to stand in front of the man on his knees.
"I'm sorry." The man pleaded. He bowed his head and touched Fang's well polished black shoes.
Fang lightly kicked him away. "You own me money, which you haven't paid in months. You owe me favors, which you have not done."
The man looked up at Fang with great sorrow in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I had to provide for my family. I could not find the time to do them."
Fang laughed. It echoed throughout the restaurant and a few of the customers got up to leave, their meals left unfinished.
A few of the wait staff also retreated to the kitchen, unable and not wanting to witness what was before them.
Gu Yang felt his chest grow heavy. He did not want to be there. He did not want to see what came next.
One of the bodyguards walked up to Fang holding a gun. He screwed on a silencer to the front of the gun and handed it to him.
Fang sighed again. He glanced at Gu Yang and laughed. "This is what I have to deal with on a regular basis." He shrugged, "People who don't do what they promised are supposed to be punished like children, right?"
Gu Yang wanted to disagree. But he stayed silent. In his mind he thought, children yes, but not a grown man who provided for his family.
Fang pointed the gun to the man's temple.
The man started crying. He visibly trembled.
As Fang pulled the trigger three times, he locked eyes with Gu Yang.
The man's body lay limp on the ground. Blood poured from his head as he twitched a few times.
Fang handed the gun back to his help and then ordered them to clean up the mess.
Fang then sat back down to finish his food as if nothing had happened.
Gu Yang's mouth had already went dry. Even though years ago he had cut Bai LuoYin's brake line and tried to kill him,  this was something he could not do. If he had to kill a man with a gun, he would have to hire help to do so. He would have to hire a private assassin. Maybe if he was forced to do so in a life or death situation he could pull the trigger, but something like this, no.
Fang was different. He was just like the mafia men in the movies. He had no soul, no empathy, no remorse.
Gu Yang knew he was in trouble. He felt as if he had walked into the biggest spiderweb in the world. He was tangled up so tight that no knife could free him from the trap he was in.  He had no help. No way out.
As Fang spoke to him again, informing him on his first small favor, Gu Yang screamed inside. A helpless, dreadful, screech.
Gu Yang listened to what was asked of him, agreed to the terms, and then was driven back to his car. On the ride back,  he wondered what the 'big favor' would be. The one he was about to do wasn't so bad. All he had to do was deliver some money to Shanghai.

"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ