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"Luke, you need to stop it." Calum sighed, taking the bottle away from Luke again. "You can't show up to the football game drunk off your ass."

"Do you really expect me to be sober when I run across the field naked?" Luke whined. They were leaving for the game in an hour and Luke as already freaking out.

He never thought that he would actually have to do this. When he made the bet he was so sure that he was going to hook up with someone at Calum's party and he didn't even stop to think about what the consequences would be if he didn't. Now he was about to let the entire school see his penis, and his friends weren't even trying to stop him. They were encouraging him.

Luke could refuse streaking across the football field all he wanted, but he knew that his friends were going to force him to do this no matter what. They were very serious about their bets.

"Everyone's gonna laugh at me." Luke groaned, falling over and laying face first on the couch.

"That's the point." Michael laughed.

"Michael, don't be such a jerk." Calum scolded him, slapping Michael upside the head.

"This isn't fair." Luke whined. "This isn't fair at all, and I'm pretty sure that it's illegal."

"Streaking isn't illegal." Michael said, looking up at Ashton. "Is it?"

"I don't know, hold on." Ashton shrugged. He was on the phone (with his girlfriend of course, who else?) and ignoring Luke's meltdown as it happened right in front of him. He giggled again, probably because his girlfriend was fucking hilarious and just perfect in every single way. "Babe, babe, I have a question. Is streaking illegal?"

"I don't think it is. What's so bad about public nudity? If you wanna be naked then I think you should have the right to be naked." Michael said, explaining his view on the whole thing.

"She doesn't know!" Ashton called back to the boys on the couch before leaving the room again so he could finish his conversation.

"No one wants to see me naked." Luke whined.

"Sure they do." Michael shrugged, although he wasn't making things much better. "You're a good looking guy, I'm sure the girls will go crazy for you."

"No they won't." Luke scoffed. "They're gonna run and hide."

He was currently in a stage of his life where he hated everything about himself. He hated how obnoxiously tall and lanky he was, he hated his dumb acne that was always there no matter what creams he used, he hated his stupid haircut even though his mom said it made him look cool.

"Won't I get in trouble for this?" Luke asked softly. "I mean, I know that it's probably not illegal, but won't I get in trouble with the school?"

"Not if you run fast enough." Calum shrugged, finally letting go of the fact that this was wrong and Luke shouldn't do it.

"I'm going to get expelled or something." Luke groaned. "Can I wear a mask?"

"No!" Michael laughed, as if that was the stupidest idea he'd ever heard. "That wasn't part of our plan, Luke."

"Let him wear a mask, Michael." Calum sighed. "Then no one will be able to tell who he is."

"But the fact that everyone will know that it's Luke just makes it so much funnier." Michael pouted, silently begging Calum to give in to him.

"I hate my life!" Luke yelled, rolling off of the couch and onto the floor.

"Are you alright?" Calum asked quickly, looking down to where Luke had fallen.

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