Not An Update Pt.2

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Hi guys! Thank you very much for the support even though you all like to be silent, I appreciate your effort for reading and voting on this story of mine!

The story is in its 800+ reads and as a special treat, if Nothing Like Us l Euphoria will reach 1000 reads and 120 votes I will post one of my draft stories. But in one condition... You will comment on who's story will be published in wattpad first. Either be Jimin and Mina's, or Taehyung and Tzuyu's or Jhope's...

The titles of their story are;

Rhythmic Hearts l Serendipity - Jimin and Mina

Besmirchment l Stigma - Taehyung and Tzuyu

and Dating Mr. Main Dancer l Jung Hoseok - Jhope

I will not reveal yet on who will be the partner of Jhope but one thing is for sure she is not a member of Twice :P... Mianhe...

Comment which story would you like to be uploaded first so that when this story reached 1000 reads I can post it right away. Note that only one story will be uploaded, I can't update four stories at a time. The most commented story will be published first. So only comment one title of a story...

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