Duet/Blaine's Secret

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All glee kids: Engagement!!!

Kurt: What happened? How did you propose? Did he say yes?

Barry and Iris: She.

Puck: She?

Barry: She.

Barry: Nothing you can really do.

Cisco: Really? I guess I'm just gonna have to let Mr Gene Kelly take over 'cause, lord knows, I can't do anything about that. 

Barry: [Scoffs]

Cisco: [Phone buzzing] It's H.R.

Barry: Yeah.

Background: [Whooshing] [Ominous music]

H.R: B.A., Someone's coming through.

Cisco: Could be Gypsy.

H.R.: Could be, or it could be

Breach: [Whooshes]

H.R.: Supergirl?

Unique: Marley, what happened?

Barry: Kara - What happened to her?

John: We don't know, but whoever did it, has come to this world.

Background: [Dramatic swell] [Lightning zapping]

Cisco: Her vitals are low. How long has she been like this?

John: A few hours.

Mon-El: Okay, we need to find whoever did this to Kara and punch him repeatedly until he reverses whatever spell he put on her. I get to punch him first.

Barry: Who are you exactly?

Mon-El: I'm Mon-el. I'm- I'm Kara's friend. Well more - more than a friend. We've been kissing a lot.

Caitlyn: Oh, she never mentioned she had a boyfriend.

Jake: Boyfriend?

Mon-el: It's a recent thing, so

John: I thought you two broke up.

Jake: Good.

Mon-el: Shh

H.R.: I'll tell you what, I know enough not to mention the break up between Barry and I-

Iris: H.R.

H.R.: Sorry.

Mon-el: [Clears throat] Look, hey, whatever's going on between me and Kara, I cannot leave her like this, okay? - I need to get her back.

Barry: We will, I promise.

Kara: Yeah, great job at that, by the way.

Iris: [sighs] So what happened to her?

John: An alien prisoner escaped our custody. He did something to her, put her in some kind of a coma.

Mon-el: And then he disappeared. We tracked him here and followed.

Iris: Okay, but why would he come to this earth?

John: Well, we believe for you.

Satan-I mean, Santana: Why for the Meerkat?

Barry: Would you stop calling me Meerkat?

Santana: No.

Barry: Okay, Satan.

Secrets~(A Flash/Supergirl/Shadowhunters/Glee crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora