The other issue with Stephen was he wanted to tell him everything. Wanted to tell him all the horrors he experienced in life, all his sorrows, every bad thought he's every had, all the dirty ones too and it was bad for him. He had barely talked to this guy for longer than half an hour yet he already felt head over heels.

"I-I-I-I... I have a doctor kink!" Tony shouts, then cursed loudly at himself. "I'm also about as straight as a pole that got hit by a bus!!"

Stephen stepped closer to Tony putting his hands firmly on his shoulders. "Why don't you take a breath before you blurt out anything else, Tony." Stephen says, looking down at him. Tony breathed in and out slowly.

"Uh sorry I Uh didn't mean to be so embarrassing. I'm assuming you'll go now. I'll tell that Christine lady that you have come for your once a month every month if you don't tell anyone about this..." Tony says, avoiding eye contact.

"Fuck." Stephen curses.

"What what's wrong?"

"Fuck fuck fuckedy fuck fuck fuck" Stephen continues.

"Look you're gonna need to stop swearing at yourself for a minute to tell me what the issue is" Tony says, sass lacing his every word.

"... ugh I wanna take you out on a date and be all nice and romantic and wait till it seems right to have sex damnit." Stephen says, frustrated with himself on every level.

"Um then do that?"

"Wait you'd actually be interested in more than sex with me?" Stephen asks, some insecurity showing in his eyes.

"I mean yeah..." Tony replies nervously, rubbing his neck.

And then not being able to hold back any longer, Stephen grabbed him by the neck and leaned down, kissing him softly on the lips almost like he was afraid that he would disappear.


Bucky walked into school an hour later, buzzing with excitement. He couldn't wait to tell Natasha and Bruce the amazing news, and he also couldn't wait to get home and hear what happened between his father and Dr Stephen Strange. Life for once was actually on Bucky's side.

As he made it at his locker, confusion washed over his features. "Where's Bruce and Nat?" He thought to himself. Bucky scanned his eyes around the halls, The sound of laughter and students conversing loudly with their friends floated throughout the space as he did so, until his icy blue eyes landed on his two friends.

Bruce had just slammed his locker shut and was throwing his bag back over his shoulder, while Natasha and Clint were huddled together against their lockers that stood beside each other, giggling down at their phones.

Bucky sighed, unlocking his own locker and began getting all the books that he needed for the day, when an arm suddenly slung round his shoulders and caused him to jump. Giving a small help of surprise, Bucky turned and slapped Bruce on the chest, causing the other to laugh. "Jesus Bruce! Don't fucking do that to me!"

"Chill chill, I ain't no murderer." Bruce chuckled, leaning against the lockers after patting his friend on the shoulder. "Anyway, how are you?"

"I'm fucking fantastic!"

"Wow- Okay. That's a first. Why're you so 'fucking fantastic'?"

Bucky rolled his eyes before grinning. "I may or may not have come out to my dad.."

Hidden Love ~ Stucky Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora