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5:16 PM

hello? who's this
5:16 PM

hey it's me, jimin
5:16 PM

jimin vs???!?!
5:16 PM

how did you know get my number??
5:16 PM

jeongyeon helped me
5:17 PM

dahyun, I'm still waiting for your reply when I told you I still love you
5:17 PM

didn't jeongyeon eonni told you what my reply is
5:17 PM

I know that's not your real answer
5:18 PM

I want to know if I'm not waiting for nothing
5:18 PM

I can wait for you until the game ends
5:18 PM

I still love you
5:18 PM

I'm sorry I lied
5:19 PM

I know, I understand
5:19 PM

so it wasn't true when you told me that you fell out of love the day when you broke up with me?
5:19 PM

yeah, I'm sorry I lied that day
5:20 PM

why did you do that tho?
5:20 PM

because I love you too much
5:20 PM

too much that
5:20 PM

5:21 PM

I don't think I can say it ><
5:21 PM

please baby :(
5:21 PM

I want to meet you, the real you
5:21 PM

then let's meet :)
5:21 PM

where are you now?
5:22 PM

ehh??? like now? I'm not ready
5:22 PM

I thought you want to meet me ;-;
5:22 PM

I do but not now
5:22 PM

let's meet soon :)
5:22 PM

alright :)
5:23 PM

I can't wait to see you
5:23 PM

I love you ❤
5:23 PM

I love you too :)
5:23 PM

falling game » bangtwice [√]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ