Chapter Two

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Out of his bag Archie pulled out a can of red spray paint and started painting a circle onto a large wooden door. I stood looking down the street.

The night was still and cold, not another person or vehicle in sight, the only light came from the dim streetlights. It was peaceful. And if we weren't here for vandalism.

Archie looked so serious and determined while he Sparta the big red circle onto the wood. The noise of a convenience store filled the air. I turned to see two tall male figures walk out laughing. Immediately I knew they were Serpents.

"Arch," I nudged his arm but he kept his focus on the message he was putting across.

"Hey!" One of the voice yelled. They were walking our way.

"Arch lets go," he continued to ignore me.

"What the hell are you doing?" They we're closer now. The taller one who seemed to be the leader. I nearly fell over but the other one caught me and I quickly went to Archie's side.

"I'm not here for you," Archie said still working on his stupid circle.

"Oh yeah? Then who's this message for?" He grabbed Archie and pulled him away from his mural.

"We don't want any trouble. Amigo lets go," I say trying to get Archie to go.

"Aww hell don't tell me it's for the black hood," I noticed the boy had a Serpent tattoo on his neck. That must of hurt to get.

"It's no worth it Amigo lets go," I tried to convince in vain.

"You believe these guys?" Neck tattoo laughed and his buddy agreed. "People say we're the trouble makers," at this point Archie had put the spray can away and I was grabbing his arm trying to pull him away before it got ugly. But like an idiot Archie tried to walk right through them. They pushed him back. "This is Southside Serpent country, you can't come here and tag our turf, so why don't you get your asses back to the Northside before someone gets hurt."

Archie and the tall Serpent looked like they were having a stand off.

I raised my voice so I was heard.
"We don't want any trouble. We were just leaving,"

Neck tattoo looked me up and down smirking.

"Might want to shut that mouth of yours, Pretty Boy." That pissed me off. I understood that I wasn't the most masculine looking boy but I hated being called pretty. So I snapped.

"Don't test me, Pea Brain,"

"Get out of my way. Or someone will get hurt," Archie said making the Serpent smirk again. I didn't know what it was but even in the dark I found that smirk somewhat attractive. What was I thinking? He looked like he was going to kill Archie himself.

"You just made a big mistake. Might want to run while you still can Pretty Boy." The Serpent said while he and his friend pulled out pocket knives.

To say I was nervous was an understatement. I almost took his advice and ran. But I wasn't going to leave Archie, he can hold himself in a fight. But against two Serpents both with weapons. He would be done for.

"Stop playing around amigo, for once just stand down." I said through gritted teeth.

But then Archie did the last thing I thought he'd do.

The madman pulled out a gun.

A fucking gun.

His dad was nearly killed by a gun and he brought one and was threatening someone with it.

"Who made a mistake?" Archie asked angrily.

"What the hell?" Pea brain said.

"Archie," I whispered stepping away from him now terrified of him. One of the other Serpents noticed my fear and stepped towards me as if to protect me. He was shorter than the one Archie was threatening by s good deal. But he looked strong and some what kind.

Archie yelled again.
"Who made a mistake?!" The Serpent stepped back further. In my friends eyes I could see the glint of a madman. Not once before had I seen the red head so scary.

Somehow I found my voice, and from beside the shorter Serpent I calmly said

"Put down the gun amigo, lets go home. Please."

He seemed to calm down a little bit and the Serpents ran away. But before they did the shorter one who was trying to protect me looked at me and then at his friend. Then I noticed that neck tattoo was looking to me concerned and sympathetic. But there was something else in his eyes that I couldn't place.

They bolted away and I was left standing by Archie. Silence consumed us as he bent over breathing heavily.

I was the first one to break the silence.

"What the fuck was that Andrews!"

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