Chapter 3

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A week had passed since the little reunion we ended up having. Safe to say, all of them had welcomed me with open arms. I hadn't felt this free for a while now, or sane, maybe isolating myself really wasn't a good idea.

The date I dreaded was finally here and I had looked for every reason to make up an excuse to get out of this, unfortunately my dad had looked straight past it and was in the amidst of getting dressed while I sat frustrated.

"Are you ready as well?" I looked up to see him standing against the door.

"Do we really have to do this?" I sighed.

"We've gone over this, love. You need to go through this, that's the only way I can help." He replied in his sweet fatherly tone. If there was one thing I hated, it was how sensitive I was to him. Dad and I had always been the best of friends, sharing the same taste in everything, on the other hand, mum was more of my brothers.

I grumbled in annoyance, grabbing onto his outstretched hand.

"Last session and never again, we had a deal." I looked at him with suspicion, watching him chuckle.

"A deal is a deal."


As I sat on the uncomfortable leather, his curious eyes waited patiently for an answer.

"Like I've said before and I'll say it again, I am just fine, Mr. Rolls." Now that I thought of it, he really did remind of rolls, croissant rolls.

"Your mum has mentioned you zone out a lot, I'm assuming you are in a state of an unconscious mind?" He questioned. Angered my mum would throw me under the bus like this, she knew I never liked speaking about it.

"And so what if I do?" I taunted him.

"Well, why don't you speak to me about who or what it is that you see?" His words instantly reminding of the words that had been etched into my brain.

He isolated me,
Told me everyone was out to harm me,
A foolish little girl,
Giving into an ounce of affection,
All the while,
They had whispered,
"Run, my love. Run and hide, he's coming for you."



"But he's my friend." I whispered in fear, watching him breath heavily. He took a few steps towards me, instantly moving, taking a few steps back, afraid he'd do something reckless.

"My sweet Eve, I've told you this multiple times, they don't love you. They're with you out of pity. It's me, hey look at me, I'm the only one who will ever love you, okay? You only need me, no one else." He whispered soothingly. I nodded instantly, giving into him.

"Now, I want you to get in bed and get some rest, okay?" He said kissing my forehead.

"Okay." I pulled the covers over my head, hearing the doors shut, silent sobs escaping my body. Holding myself each time a voice rang in my head.

"Run, my love. Run and hide, he's coming for you."

My breathing fastened, feeling my panic attack spreading its way through my body. I grabbed onto the chair, trying to control my breathing.

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