The End

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Her fingers quickly type away on her keyboard. The words pour onto the screen in an endless river as she tells them how she truly feels. She isn't surprised by her word choice within the text.

Something inside her broke recently, but she doesn't know what it is. One day, she simply stopped all of her odd habits, and replaced them with bad ones.

She bites her nails, she peels the skin off her lips, and she never leaves her house anymore. She orders her groceries online.

Her friends were worried about her, yes. They didn't check up on her after the third week though. They simply forget she existed and carried on with their own pointless lives. She didn't complain, the quiet helped her think. The quiet brought something out of her. Something she never knew existed until a month of being alone.

She learned that she hated the world. She hated everyone that wasn't a part of her family.

She hated the man who delivered her orders every Saturday. She hated the  'friends' she spent a decade of her life with. She hated the people on her Facebook news feed that complained about their problems.

She had worse things to do on her Saturdays. She prefered the silence. She's survived larger problems.

Her life had been at risk multiple times during her childhood due to drunk drivers and tornadoes. Something bad was always happening and she was always near the worst of it. It made no sense to her. She didn't understand why she was giving bad luck a piggy back ride. It just happened.

Now, as she types, Bad Luck is curled up around her ankles. She can feel the heat radiating from the creatures black fur as she proof reads her email that she's sending to all of her old friends, to all the people on her Facebook friends list, to all the people she knows.

The creature under her purrs and rubs its scratchy fur against her leg, prompting her to stand. She knows what comes next.

Her arms reach out, her hands grip the edge of the desk, and she pushes the chair she's sitting in back, away from the desk. Bad Luck stretches lazily and waits for the girl to pick him up. The girl does as the creature wants, cradling him in her arms.

Together they leave the appartement, after hitting send.

Her bare feet scuff against the metal staircase as she slowly walks up. Her destination is the roof of the building. Her point of interest is the paved sidewalk outside the building.

Bad Luck's rough fur rubs against the girl's arms. The contact feeling the same as barbed wire rubbing against her delicate skin. The girl hisses in annoyance as she drops the creature on the next landing.

Bad Luck hisses and continues up the stairs after the girl, needing the see her last moments.

As the girl opens the door leading to the roof, wind slashes at her face and hair. Her long hair flying behind her and slashing against her neck. Bad Luck struts onto the roof next to the girl. The door closes effortlessly behind the pair.

The girl's quick footsteps walk towards the edge of the roof. Bad Luck follows behind her. Together they glance down at the dark street. The odd car and passerby are below them. She takes a deep breath, attempting to calm her quick heart beat.

It's better this way. Right? Her thoughts sway between right and wrong for a few moments as she chooses her next actions quickly.

Bad Luck is rubbing his head against her leg, the sensation sending a wave of pain through her body.

She loses her balance and tilts over the edge, but quickly regains it and kicks the creature away from her. She isn't going to die this easily. Her heart beat is quick and her eyes are glaring at the black creature in front of her.

It stands to its feet, looking at the girl with a questioning gaze.

The girl quickly runs back into the building, racing to her appartement and locking the door behind her.

"You can't run away that easily."

The deep voice startles her. She's heard it before,  but she can't match it with a name of a face. She shouldn't be able to though. Fate has already wrapped its large hands around her fragile body.

"You're going to die today, one way or another," the voice continues.

She struggles to breathe as she searches her room for the source of the voice. Her eyes land on a tall dark figure in a corner of the room. Its dark aura wrapping itself around her body as the life is strangled from her.

"I hope the afterlife is nice to you. I grew rather fond of you over the years."

Those last words reach her ears as she closes her eyes, surrendering to her fate. One last spark races through her body though.

Her eyes flash open, staring directly at the creature that looms in front of her. Bad Luck tilts his head in confusion at the girl. Surprise is evident in his eyes as their gazes meet. He smirks cruelly  the girl as she struggles to take a deep breath.

"My life wasn't completely pointless though. You know that," she says. Her voice is weak and coarse because of the hands around her neck.

The creature lets out a chuckle and nods his head in agreement.

"It may have been pointless. You know that. It's highly possible that people won't believe the things in that email you sent out," it replies in a smug tone.

The girl's mind wonders to the list of people she sent it to. Someone should've read it by now, did it not work?

The creature in front of her lets out a cough, then another. The girl's eyes widen, it did work.

As the creature falls, the girl does too. Her hands instantly go to her neck as she takes deep breaths, attempting to steady her heart beat. The creature is wheezing in front of her, its long claws reaching out towards her. He attempts to slash at her feet, but his claws pass through without harm.

He's done living in their world.

She lets out an uneven breath as her computer dings with a reply for her email. The creature's image flickers in front of her until it finally disappears into nothingness.

Her largest problem in the world has been conquered.

"Goodbye Bad Luck. I hope the afterlife is nice to you. I grew rather fond of you over the years."

And in truth, she had grew fond of the black furred creature that ruined a handful of chapters in her life. Her life isn't over yet though. Her hate could fade, now that a shadow doesn't loom over her soul.

A large smile overtakes her features as she curls up in her bed. Tears stream down her face, but she continues to smile.

Finally, she doesn't need to live in fear.

Heyyy, I'm sort of back!

I've had this on my laptop for awhile since I wrote it over the summer while thinking of ideas for Typed. This simply came and became something cool.

I plan to do a picture of Bad Luck when I begin art class next term, so look forward to something terribly drawn.

I hope to get a few creative writing assignments in English this year because they never really ask us what we want to write, and I'm in the mood to pour my heart out in a short story. That's weird, isn't it?

I guess writing is one of the only ways I express myself nowadays, but anyways. I hope you guys enjoyed this little blurb of a story.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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