Chapter Ten

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Jayda P.O.V

* Monday Morning *

I wakes up knowing um going to fight this bitch layton today , so i put on my fighting clothes cause she got me so fucked up .

I wakes up knowing um going to fight this bitch layton today , so i put on my fighting clothes cause she got me so fucked up

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

i Come downstairs , and goes to my car And drove to School , ready to stomp this bitch .

as soon as i came in the school i see this hoe .

so i came up to her and  grabbed her by her hair and starting beating this bitch up and she grabs me by my hair .

so i kicked this hoe and she fell

next thing you know everything just blacked out .

i wakes up in a hospital bed with my mom dominque and gunna sitting in chairs looking at me .

ma: glad you awake baby .

jayda : what happend did i beat her ass ?

ma : girl you did more than that , you just like yo damn daddy with that fighting be about too kill somebody , um glad she's alive and her baby or else jayda you would have been in serious trouble and she would  have been in trouble too if you would have lost yo baby .

dominque : babygirl you alright ?

jayda : yeah um fine . but why the fuck is you here you dont give a fuck about me 

ma ; jayda ... jayda he just came too see if you and the baby was alright 

jayda : mama no , i'm so tired of holding my tounge , some shit going to come out today , oh now mama you care about me when you slapped me and told me , me and my baby wasnt gone be shit . now you trynna be here for me domique when you told me my pussy was wack , and fuck me and my baby , i dont need nun of yall , uma be good reguardless me and my baby yall dont care about me .

ma : but jayda ..

jayda : but jayda my ass , you can get out and take yo lil company too , and when i get out this hospital i'm moving out .

ma : you not going no damn where , remember your still my damn child , i carried you for 9 months  i birthed you . i fed you i clothed you !

jayda : oh really you did all this ? i dont remember you were on crack what else meth . should i keep going ? mom you went to jail you wasn't there until now , dad did everything you didn't do you let them rape me while you were in jail , i went to two foster homes because of you .

ma : i'm just going to go ....

jayda : do that please .

dominque : why you talk to yo mom like that .

jayda : shut the fuck up talking to me and get out take yo friend too .

dominque : bet delete my number since your '' superwoman "

jayda bye dominque .

jayda P.O.V

i really feel so relived of letting evey bad energy out my life i never felt so much better 

i'm just going to find me a apartment and take care of my baby when i graduate i'll move out of town 

just going to be me and my baby , fuck the rest 

dominque P.O.V

jayda really tripping man 

either it's the baby got her acting like that , or she just tired of my shit  i really need to get my act together 

but i hope she don't think about taking my baby away from me cause that's not going to happen .

well tune in for chapter 11 !!

Love me , love me notNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ