Makoto x Reader

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Just Friends

  Makoto snapped awake at the sound of the bell signaling the end of the school day. He wasn't quite fully asleep but out of it enough to have flinched as the rest of his peers stood up. He sighed to himself and scrambled quickly to grab his belongings when he noticed the person he desperately needed to speak to exiting the classroom. He was nearly running after the head of (h/c) locks slightly bobbing up and down as she walked away when she turned to look back. He felt time freeze when her beautiful orbs made eye contact with him and she smiled the purest smile he had ever seen. He quickly slowed down to avoid colliding with her and stopped a few steps in front of her. 

 "(l/n)-chan! I'm glad I caught you!" He spoke while glancing at the tile floor. Makoto had a crush on (y/n) (l/n) for the longest time now and had finally collected the courage required to ask her on a date. Makoto was also the guy to get flustered at interactions with a pretty girl, especially one he had genuine feelings for. 

 "Makoto-kun, what's up?" (y/n) said happily to the blushing man before her. He'd never realized the height difference in between them and it made him blush even more. He played with his hands with his gaze stuck to the floor before taking a deep breath and speaking. 

 "(L/n)-chan, I don't know if you're free tonight, but if not that's totally cool because I'm always free when I'm not doing my homework and swimming or hanging out with Haru so we could totally reschedule to next week or so-" he caught her looking up at him in a slightly confused manner and realized he had been rambling. 'Time to cut the crap' he thought "I mean... IwouldreallylikeitifwecouldgoonadatetonightbecauseIkindofhaveareallybigcrushonyou," (y/n) looked up at him before giggling a little bit. He stared so hard at the tile floor and was redder than Rin's hair. 

"Makoto-kun, I can't go out tonight," she started, and Makoto felt a wave of sadness come over him. The girl he felt so passionately for had just rejected him. She continued "A few weeks ago, my mom took a trip to the United States and tried a dish called Gumbo. She's making it for dinner tonight, and I'm just super excited to try it!" she was blushing really hard and her cute excitement over food made Makoto smile. "You're welcome to come over for dinner if you'd like though!" His head shot up. She didn't reject him, she invited him over! He grinned, but then thought about something.

 "I would love to but are you sure your mom is okay with me coming? I don't want to intrude-"

"Nonsense, my mom always says 'Good food brings many different people together, and the more people around the table the better the meal tastes', besides, we're just friends anyway."


 "If you say so, what time is good for me to come by?" 'Play it cool Makoto, c a l m  d o w n,' (y/n) brought her hand up to her face while deep in thought before a lightbulb visibly clicked in her.

"You can come over at 4ish if that works for you, gumbo should be finished at about 5oclock," she was so cute !!!

"Yeah, that works for me," He was so excited he could barely hold it in. 

"Okay, it's a date then! See you later Makoto-kun!" She turned around and started walking away in the direction she was before he showed up. 

"Bye (f/n)-san!"He exclaimed while waving. Sure, the girl of his dreams said they were just friends, but she invited him over for dinner and called it a date. Things could take so many turns. Girls are confusing. Either way, getting to see (f/n) tonight is a win in his book. 


|Your P.OV.|


You sprinted up the stairs to your front door and burst through the door and straight to the kitchen to find your mom. When she saw how happy you were all she could do was grin. 

"So you asked Makoto, didn't you?" she stood beside her gumbo pot.

"Get this mom, I wasn't going to, then HE asked ME out, and I flipped it and invited him here!" You hugged her, stil absolutely ecstatic. "He said he had a crush on me! He'll be here at 4o clock!" Your mom ran her fingers through your hair while her other arm stayed around you. 

"I can't wait to meet him sweetheart," 

AN: SORRY IT'S SHORT, it's just a drabble. Also I watched The Princess and The Frog last night and Toradora this morning so its all caught in my head ((clearly)) 

Anyways thanks for reading! Have a great day lovelies <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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